Package: xdrawchem Version: 1.7.4 Revision: 11 ### Depends: x11, dlcompat-shlibs, qt3-shlibs, openbabel-bin, openbabel-shlibs BuildDepends: dlcompat-dev, qt3 (<< 3.1-1) | qt3-dev (>= 3.1-1), openbabel (>= 1.100.0-3), x11-dev ### Source: Source-MD5: a3b3eaa1541c9b8cc24a5863eb38381f ### Patch: %n.patch ### GCC: 3.3 ### DocFiles: *.txt ### ConfigureParams: --with-qt-thread --without-openbabel --with-pic --enable-share --enable-static --mandir=%i/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info --libexecdir=%p/lib ### Description: Chemical drawing program DescDetail: << XDrawChem is a program for drawing chemical structures. Features include fixed length and fixed angle drawing, a ring tool to automatically draw rings, and automatic alignment of structures in reactions. It can access structures in the NCI database by name, CAS number, or formula. It can predict 13C NMR and simple IR spectra. MDL Molfile, CML (Chemical Markup Language), and ChemDraw binary and text file formats are supported. << ### License: BSD Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett Homepage: