Package: docbook-dsssl-ldp
Version: 1.12
Revision: 1
Epoch: 1
Maintainer: None <>
Depends: docbook-dsssl-nwalsh
SourceRename: ldp.dsl-%v
NoSourceDirectory: True
Source-MD5: 6294c12a70a3cfe5d16619e897f4f843
CompileScript: mv ldp.dsl-%v ldp.dsl
InstallScript: <<
mkdir -p %i/share/sgml/dsssl/docbook-dsssl-ldp
cp ldp.dsl %i/share/sgml/dsssl/docbook-dsssl-ldp
mkdir -p %i/share/sgml/dsssl/docbook-dsssl-nwalsh/html
cp ldp.dsl %i/share/sgml/dsssl/docbook-dsssl-nwalsh/html
mkdir -p %i/share/sgml/dsssl/docbook-dsssl-nwalsh/print
cp ldp.dsl %i/share/sgml/dsssl/docbook-dsssl-nwalsh/print
mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
echo "This file comes from the Linux Documentation Project's website, and is" > %i/share/doc/%n/README
echo "released under the GPL license." >> %i/share/doc/%n/README
Description: LDP's DSSSL DocBook stylesheets
DescDetail: <<
The Linux Documentation Project's DSSSL stylesheets enhance Norman Walsh's 
DSSSL DocBook stylesheets (e.g., by creatinga table of contents).
DescUsage: <<
To generate HTML output: 

openjade -t sgml -d /path/to/ldp.dsl#html file.sgm

To generate print (rtf, tex) output:

openjade -t <output_format> -d /path/to/ldp.dsl#print file.sgm
DescPackaging: <<
The LDP stylesheet does not appear to have it's own version number. The 
revision number used is from the LDP Author's Guide 

Correction (dmrrsn 2003/01/12):  There is an internal version number on the
ldp.dsl file, and the file is now renamed in Fink to keep track of that
DescPort: <<
Modified by None <>
A revision has been made on 2003-03-19, new version 1.12
License: GPL