Package: ent Version: 19981020 Revision: 2 # Source: SourceDirectory: . Source-MD5: ccaa3fffd4d84d46e9b712d0c88f008c # PatchScript: << perl -pi.old -e 's#^ent#./ent#' entest.bat rm -f entest.bat.old << CompileScript: << echo "No configuration required" make make test << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin cp ent %i/bin chmod a+rx %i/bin/ent << # DocFiles: ent.html # Description: Checks the randomness of the input DescDetail: << Ent (written by John Walker) checks the randomness of the input data with the following tests: entropy, chi-square test, arithmetic mean, Monte Carlo value for Pi, and serial correlation coefficient. << # DescPort: << This program's zip file doesn't unzip into any specific folder, leading to the awkward choice of `.' for SourceDirectory. Also, This package had no version number, so I just used the latest revision date. << License: Public Domain Maintainer: Benjamin Esham