Package: osxutils Version: 1.0.1 Revision: 1 License: GPL Replaces: lsmac HomePage: Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: f6c3f267e6ac8013926e9a77a1e05f67 Description: ls with a Mac twist: type/creator, flags, total fork size DescDetail: << - cpath: copy the current working directory to MacOS clipboard - lsmac: ls with a Mac twist: type/creator, flags, total fork size - mkalias: create aliases from the command-line without the Finder - setcftypes: set heritage MacOS file Type and Creator codes "lsmac" is a command line utility for MacOS X created to display directory contents in a similar way to the unix "ls" program, but with a more Mac-centric approach. "lsmac" will list the files and folders within a given directory with the associated heritage Mac file data such as File and Creator Types and Finder flags. "lsmac" can also list file sizes like the ls program, but displays the size of all the file's forks, not just the data fork, thus giving correct size for files containing heritage MacOS resource forks. << DescUsage: << * lsmac accepts command line options via getopt * can display file size in bytes or human readable format * The size displayed is the size of ALL the file's forks, not just the data fork! * Option to display the physical size of file instead of logical * can display full pathname of files instead of just the names * can be set to omit directories in listing directory contents * lsmac has a man page lsmac(1) Man pages are included for lsmac, mkalias and setfctypes. << CompileScript: pbxbuild DSTROOT=%d INSTALL_PATH=%p -target %n -buildstyle Deployment SYMROOT=%b/build OBJROOT=%b/build InstallScript: pbxbuild DSTROOT=%d INSTALL_PATH=%p -target %n -buildstyle Deployment install SYMROOT=%b/build OBJROOT=%b/build Maintainer: Carsten Klapp