Package: sleepnow
Version: 0.1
Revision: 1
Description: Command-line tool which puts the machine to sleep 
License: Restrictive
Maintainer: Christian Schaffner <>

# Unpack Phase:
Source-MD5: d54f8a40999eb8020d600c782bbf0fcc 

# Compile Phase:
GCC: 3.3
CompileScript:  <<
 cd Source && /usr/bin/pbxbuild DSTROOT=%d INSTALL_PATH=%p/bin -target SleepNow -buildstyle Deployment SYMROOT=%b/build OBJROOT=%b/build

# Install Phase:
InstallScript: <<
 cd Source && /usr/bin/pbxbuild DSTROOT=%d INSTALL_PATH=%p/bin -target SleepNow -buildstyle Deployment install SYMROOT=%b/build OBJROOT=%b/build

# Additional Info:
DescDetail: <<
SleepNow is a Mac OS X command-line tool which puts the machine to sleep, just
as though someone had used the Sleep menu command while sitting in front of the
machine. The advantage is that SleepNow can be run while logged in to the
machine from anywhere on the net. 
DescUsage: <<
Type 'SleepNow' to sleep the machine.

***  WARNING: Security issues ***

Obviously, putting a machine to sleep is Not Good if someone else is trying to
use it. Also, waking the machine up again is your own problem. (Try turning on
"Wake for network administrative access" in the Energy Saver options, or look
into the wakeonlan program. I am not sure if either of these will work for

Also note that any user may put the machine to sleep, not just an