Package: sudo Version: 1.6.7p5 Revision: 1 ### Source: Source-MD5: 55d503e5c35bf1ea83d38244e0242aaf ### ### DocFiles: BUGS CHANGES HISTORY INSTALL.* LICENSE PORTING README RUNSON TODO TROUBLESHOOTING UPGRADE sample.pam sample.sudoers ### ConfigureParams: --prefix=%p --with-pam --with-hal-insults --with-tty-tickets --enable-log-host --enable-shell-sets-home --with-logpath=%p/var/log --with-timedir=%p/var/run --with-mail-if-noperms -sysconfdir=%p/etc PatchScript: << perl -i -pe 's|security|pam|g' auth/pam.c mv INSTALL INSTALL.txt << CompileScript: << ./configure %c make << ### Description: Grant certain users/groups superuser rights DescDetail: << Sudo (superuser do) allows a system administrator to give certain users (or groups of users)the ability to run some (or all) commands as root while logging all commands and arguments. Sudo operates on a per-command basis, it is not a replacement for the shell. It's features include: * The ability to restrict what commands a user may run on a per-host basis. * Sudo does copious logging of each command, providing a clear audit trail of who did what. When used in tandem with syslogd, the system log daemon, sudo can log all commands to a central host (as well as on the local host). At CU, all admins use sudo in lieu of a root shell to take advantage of this logging. * Sudo uses timestamp files to implement a "ticketing" system. When a user invokes sudo and enters their password, they are granted a ticket for 5 minutes (this timeout is configurable at compile-time). Each subsequent sudo command updates the ticket for another 5 minutes. This avoids the problem of leaving a root shell where others can physically get to your keyboard. There is also an easy way for a user to remove their ticket file, useful for placing in a .logout file. * Sudo's configuration file, the sudoers file, is setup in such a way that the same sudoers file may be used on many machines. This allows for central administration while keeping the flexibility to define a user's privileges on a per-host basis. Please see the samples sudoers file in your doc directory for a real-world example. << ### License: GPL Maintainer: Darian Lanx Homepage: