Package: webmin-theme-lmc Version: 2.0 Revision: 1 Description: Webmin theme 3rd-party: Linux Management Console License: GPL DescDetail: << Visit the home page and try the navigation links on the left to get an idea of what this theme is like. << Depends: webmin (>= 1.030-1) Enhances: webmin (>= 1.030-1) Maintainer: Carsten Klapp Homepage: Source: Source-MD5: 7b8b5386956290c47c8198a203041b87 SourceDirectory: . CompileScript: << tar -xf linuxmc2.wbt rm -f linuxmc2.wbt << InstallScript: << %p/lib/webmin1.0/fink-newmodule-prepinstall echo "Moving files to installation directory..." mkdir -p %i/lib/webmin1.0 mv linuxmc2 %i/lib/webmin1.0 echo "Installing Docs..." mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n ln %i/lib/webmin1.0/linuxmc2/README %i/share/doc/%n << PostInstScript: %p/lib/webmin1.0/fink-theme-postinstall PostRmScript: %p/lib/webmin1.0/fink-theme-postremove