Package: webmin Version: 1.100 Revision: 2 Description: Web-based interface for unix system administration License: BSD DescDetail: << Webmin is a web-based interface that allows Unix-like operating systems and common Unix services to be easily administered. Using any browser that supports tables and forms (and Java for the File Manager module), you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and so on. Webmin consists of a simple web server, and a number of CGI programs which can modify system configuration and control the system. It supports the concept of modules (like PhotoShop plugins). There are many third-party modules that were developed by other people separately. Webmin works alone or together with usermin. << DescUsage: << Install net-ssleay-pm to use OpenSSL with webmin. To get started point your web browser to . The userid is the word 'admin' and the password set to the Mac OS X admin user's password. Webmin also comes with a utility to reset the password, should any problems arise: sudo /sw/lib/webmin1.0/ /sw/etc/webmin admin newpass To manually stop/start webmin, use the commands 'sudo webminstop' and 'sudo webminstart'. To install the StartupItem run, "daemonic enable webmin" as root. Problems with "File Manager" and "SSH" applets: There is a problem with some browsers passing cookies to applets, which causes applets in webmin to fail to load due to webmin's use of cookies for authentication. One possible solution is to go into "Webmin Configuration -> Authentication" and turn off session authentication mode, then quit your browser and re-login. Controlling Fink within Webmin: Webmin knows how to use the debian package manager so you can remotely control fink's dpkg and apt-get with a web browser to install binary packages: "System -> Software -> Packages". Try installing a package from local a file in '/sw/fink/debs/' or '/sw/var/cache/apt/archives/'. You cannot install certain packages which require interaction to complete the installation. Reinstallation Notes: Webmin has a built-in upgrade facility. If you reinstall webmin using fink you will have to re-upgrade any modules which may have been updated. Uninstallation Notes: - After running dpkg --purge you must still manually delete some config files in /sw/etc/webmin. During the postinstall and whenever a new module is installed, Webmin copies a slew of configuration files into /sw/etc/webmin depending on the OS version. Activity logs are kept in /sw/var/webmin. - If you update webmin using the built-in upgrade facility then later uninstall the webmin package with fink, you will have to manually delete some extra files remaining in /sw/lib/webmin1.0. << Depends: daemonic, %n-fink-scripts (>= 1.080-1) Recommends: net-ssleay-pm, %n-theme-msc Suggests: << man2html, %n-apache, %n-bind, %n-burner, %n-cfengine, %n-cluster-server, %n-dhcpd, %n-fetchmail, %n-jabber, %n-mysql, %n-nfs, %n-postfix, %n-postgresql, %n-procmail, %n-proftpd, %n-pserver, %n-samba, %n-sendmail, %n-sentry, %n-squid, %n-sshd, %n-status, %n-stunnel, %n-telnet, %n-webalizer, %n-theme-caldera, %n-nettools, %n-theme-fkn, %n-theme-lmc << #Enhances: usermin (>= 0.970-1) #Suggests2: webmin-heartbeat, webmin-majordomo, webmin-qmail, webmin-usermin, webmin-vgetty, webmin-wuftpd Maintainer: Carsten Klapp Homepage: Source: mirror:sourceforge:webadmin/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 9b426bc40b51f70182d0e5bf41f82078 SourceDirectory: . ## Non-applicable modules: # adsl-client doesn't work with Mac OS X yet # dfsadmin Solaris / Unixware NFS Shares # dnsadmin BIND 4 DNS Server # exports Linux NFS Exports # fdisk Linux Partitions on Local Disks # firewall Linux Firewall # format Solaris Partition Manager # grub Linux GRUB Boot Loader # hpuxexports HPUX NFS exports # inittab SysV Init Configuration # lilo x86 LILO Linux Bootup Configuration # lvm Linux Logical Volume Management # mon Linux MON Service Monitor # pptp-client doesn't work with Mac OS X yet # pptp-server doesn't work with Mac OS X yet # raid Linux RAID # sgiexports SGI NFS exports # shorewall Table editor for shorewall, Linux kernel firewall ## Careful not do delete "*freebsd*", some Mac OS X stuff depends on # it like lpadmin. Delete only files matching "*-freebsd*" instead. PatchScript: << echo "Deleting modules not applicable to Darwin / Mac OS X..." echo "** The error 'No such file or directory' will appear twice, please disregard. **" cd %n-%v ; rm -R dfsadmin dnsadmin exports fdisk firewall format grub hpuxexports inittab lilo lvm mon raid sgiexports shorewall adsl-client pptp-client pptp-server echo "Done deleting modules not applicable to Darwin / Mac OS X." echo "** The two expected 'No such file or directory' errors should have passed. (Further errors from this point on may be significant). **" echo "Deleting remaining files not applicable to Darwin / Mac OS X..." cd %n-%v ; rm -f webmin-caldera-init webmin-daemon webmin-gentoo-init webmin-init for incompatible_config in -linux aix cobalt-linux corel-linux debian-linux -freebsd generic-linux gentoo-linux hpux irix mandrake-linux msc-linux netbsd open-linux openbsd openserver osf1 redhat-linux slackware-linux solaris suse-linux turbo-linux united-linux unixware ; do find . -name "*${incompatible_config}*" -print -exec rm -R {} \; ; done echo "Done." echo "Applying patches..." touch %n-%v/lpadmin/config-macos-1.5 touch %n-%v/pam/config-macos-1.5 touch %n-%v/software/config-macos touch %n-%v/fink-newmodule-postinstall touch %n-%v/fink-newmodule-prepinstall touch %n-%v/ touch %n-%v/fink-theme-postinstall touch %n-%v/fink-theme-postremove chmod a+x %n-%v/fink-newmodule-postinstall chmod a+x %n-%v/fink-newmodule-prepinstall chmod a+x %n-%v/ chmod a+x %n-%v/fink-theme-postinstall chmod a+x %n-%v/fink-theme-postremove sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <%a/%n.patch | patch -p1 chmod a+rx %n-%v/time/help chmod a+rx %n-%v/time/images chmod a+rx %n-%v/time/lang << DaemonicName: webmin DaemonicFile: << Webmin system administration daemon Webmin Server %p/etc/%n/start >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null %p/etc/%n/miniserv.conf %p/var/%n/ << CompileScript: << echo "Inserting path to perl into scripts..." (find . -name '*.cgi' -print ; find . -name '*.pl' -print) | /usr/bin/perl "./%n-%v/" /usr/bin/perl - echo "Done." echo "Creating module splitoff config files..." for module_splitoff in burner cfengine cluster-software cluster-useradmin cluster-webmin heartbeat jabber majordomo mysql postfix postgresql proftpd pserver qmailadmin sentry servers stunnel usermin vgetty webalizer ; do mkdir -p etc/%n/${module_splitoff} ; cp %n-%v/${module_splitoff}/config etc/%n/${module_splitoff}/ ; touch etc/%n/${module_splitoff}/admin.acl ; done for macos_module_splitoff in dhcpd squid wuftpd ; do mkdir -p etc/%n/${macos_module_splitoff} ; cp %n-%v/${macos_module_splitoff}/config-macos etc/%n/${macos_module_splitoff}/config ; touch etc/%n/${macos_module_splitoff}/admin.acl ; done echo "Done." echo "Preparing webmin config files..." cp %n-%v/miniserv.pem etc/%n/miniserv.pem touch etc/%n/module.infos.cache echo "/usr/bin/perl" > etc/%n/perl-path echo "%p/var/%n" > etc/%n/var-path echo "%v" > etc/%n/version mkdir -p var/%n touch var/%n/sessiondb.pag touch var/%n/miniserv.error touch var/%n/miniserv.log touch var/%n/webmin.log touch var/%n/sessiondb.dir touch var/%n/ for standard_module in cpan custom fetchmail fsdump openslp passwd procmail status webmin ; do mkdir -p etc/%n/${standard_module} ; cp %n-%v/${standard_module}/config etc/%n/${standard_module}/ ; touch etc/%n/${standard_module}/admin.acl ; done for standard_macos_module in at bsdexports cron inetd init man mount proc software syslog time useradmin ; do mkdir -p etc/%n/${standard_macos_module} ; cp %n-%v/${standard_macos_module}/config-macos etc/%n/${standard_macos_module}/config ; touch etc/%n/${standard_macos_module}/admin.acl ; done for macos_10_module in acl apache bind8 samba sendmail sshd telnet ; do mkdir -p etc/%n/${macos_10_module} ; cp %n-%v/${macos_10_module}/config-macos-1.5 etc/%n/${macos_10_module}/config ; touch etc/%n/${macos_10_module}/admin.acl ; done mkdir -p etc/%n/shell touch etc/%n/shell/config touch etc/%n/shell/admin.acl mkdir -p etc/%n/webminlog touch etc/%n/webminlog/config touch etc/%n/webminlog/admin.acl echo "Done." echo "Preparing DocFiles..." ln %n-%v/LICENCE LICENCE ln %n-%v/LICENCE.ja LICENCE.ja ln %n-%v/README README echo "Done." echo "Preparing other webmin files..." touch etc/%n/start touch etc/%n/stop touch etc/%n/ chmod u+x etc/%n/start chmod u+x etc/%n/stop chmod u+x etc/%n/ echo "Linking %p/etc/%n/start and stop to %p/sbin/%nstart and %nstop..." mkdir -p sbin cd sbin && ln -s ../etc/%n/start %nstart && ln -s ../etc/%n/stop %nstop echo "Done." << # Note: Not all module config files are handled, some depend on the OS version. InstallScript: << echo "Moving files to installation directory..." mkdir -p %i/lib mv %n-%v %i/lib/%n1.0 mv etc %i mv sbin %i mv var %i echo "Done." echo "Changing ownership of files..." chown -R root:bin * chown -R root:bin %i echo "Done." echo "Install finished." << DocFiles: README LICENCE LICENCE.ja ConfFiles: << %p/etc/%n/miniserv.pem %p/etc/%n/module.infos.cache %p/etc/%n/perl-path %p/etc/%n/var-path %p/etc/%n/version %p/var/%n/sessiondb.pag %p/var/%n/miniserv.error %p/var/%n/miniserv.log %p/var/%n/webmin.log %p/var/%n/sessiondb.dir %p/var/%n/ %p/etc/%n/acl/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/at/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/cpan/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/cron/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/custom/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/fsdump/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/inetd/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/init/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/man/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/mount/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/openslp/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/passwd/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/proc/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/shell/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/software/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/syslog/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/time/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/useradmin/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/webmin/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/webminlog/admin.acl %p/etc/%n/acl/config %p/etc/%n/at/config %p/etc/%n/cpan/config %p/etc/%n/cron/config %p/etc/%n/custom/config %p/etc/%n/fsdump/config %p/etc/%n/inetd/config %p/etc/%n/init/config %p/etc/%n/man/config %p/etc/%n/mount/config %p/etc/%n/openslp/config %p/etc/%n/passwd/config %p/etc/%n/proc/config %p/etc/%n/shell/config %p/etc/%n/software/config %p/etc/%n/syslog/config %p/etc/%n/time/config %p/etc/%n/useradmin/config %p/etc/%n/webmin/config %p/etc/%n/webminlog/config << # userid 501 is the first account created in Mac OS X PostInstScript: << if [ -f %p/etc/%n/miniserv.users ]; then echo "Saving existing webmin users to %p/etc/%n/miniserv.users.old" mv %p/etc/%n/miniserv.users %p/etc/%n/miniserv.users.old fi adminusername=`nidump passwd . | grep :501: | cut -d ':' -f1` adminpass=`nidump passwd . | grep :501: | cut -d ':' -f2` echo "admin:${adminpass}:0" > %p/etc/%n/miniserv.users chown root:wheel %p/etc/%n/miniserv.users echo "Running %n setup" config_dir='%p/etc/%n' ; \ var_dir='%p/var/%n' ; \ perl='/usr/bin/perl' ; \ port='10000' ; \ login="admin" ; \ host=`hostname` ; \ crypt=${adminpass} ; \ atboot="0" ; \ export atboot login crypt config_dir var_dir perl port host; \ %p/lib/%n1.0/ echo " " echo "******************************************************************" echo "Note:" echo " " echo "If this is a first-time %n installation, the userid has been" echo "set to the word 'admin' and the password set to ${adminusername}'s" echo "password (i.e. the Mac OS X admin user's password.)" echo " " echo "******************************************************************" echo " " echo "Webmin comes with a utility to reset the password:" echo " sudo %p/lib/webmin1.0/ %p/etc/webmin admin newpass" echo " " echo "Later you can change webmin to use netinfo, by going to:" echo " " echo "Webmin Users" echo " -> Configure Unix user authentication" echo " -> Allow any Unix user to login" echo "or" echo " -> Convert Unix to Webmin users" echo " " << DescPort: << Patched to activate the software modules which are normally not enabled for Mac OS X as it has no unix package manager. Webmin knows how to use the debian package manager so it can control fink binary (stable) packages! Added fink's bin / sbin directories into webmin's search path. Patched to activate the PAM module on Mac OS X 10.2, submitted upstream. Patched to use cups by default in the lpadmin module on Mac OS X 10.2, submitted upstream. Patched lpadmin config to use fink's ghostscript font dir. The script is also patched to default to the fink installation dir if you ever use it to perform a manual reinstallation or reconfiguration. << DescPackaging: << Webmin has a straightforward install. However since there are many files, to avoid copying the entire directory tree we simply prune the whole thing into the fink package root dir with mv. Changed paths of webmin's config for various modules to look in the fink directories by default. You still need to install these utilities separately using fink. Patches all cgi and pl files with path to perl during installation, even though this is done again later during webmin's own setup script. This is necessary for splitoff modules to function. Temporary files are created in order to link %p/etc/webmin/start and stop to %p/sbin/webminstart and webminstop as these files will not actually exist until after the postinstall setup script has run. Patch contains the splitoff PostInstScript & PostRmScript needed to activate fink-installed modules. << SplitOff: << Package: %N-fink-scripts Description: Essential Fink scripts for Webmin DescDetail: << Scripts required by Fink to install and remove webmin and its modules and themes. << License: BSD Files: << lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-prepinstall lib/%N1.0/ lib/%N1.0/fink-theme-postinstall lib/%N1.0/fink-theme-postremove << DocFiles: LICENCE << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-apache Description: Webmin module: Apache Webserver DescDetail: << Configure almost all Apache directives. << DescUsage: << Config files default to Mac OS X. For Mac OS X Server 1.x, you must reconfigure the module according to '/sw/lib/webmin1.0/apache/config-macos'. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: lib/%N1.0/apache etc/%N/apache ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/apache/config %p/etc/%N/apache/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff3: << Package: %N-bind Description: Webmin module: BIND DNS Server DescDetail: << Create and edit domains, DNS records and BIND options for BIND series 8 and 9 DNS servers (though not all BIND 9 options are supported). << DescUsage: << Config files default to Mac OS X. For Mac OS X Server 1.x, you must reconfigure the module according to '/sw/lib/webmin1.0/bind8/config-macos'. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: lib/%N1.0/bind8 etc/%N/bind8 ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/bind8/config %p/etc/%N/bind8/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff4: << Package: %N-burner Description: Webmin module: CD Burner DescDetail: << Burn data CDs from ISO images or selected directories. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), cdrecord, mkisofs, mpg123, cdrdao Recommends: cdrecord, mkisofs, mpg123, cdrdao Files: lib/%N1.0/burner etc/%N/burner ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/burner/config %p/etc/%N/burner/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff5: << Package: %N-cfengine Description: Webmin module: Cluster Configuration Engine DescDetail: << Configure the CFengine program, for checking and maintaining various system-administration settings. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), cfengine Recommends: cfengine Files: lib/%N1.0/cfengine etc/%N/cfengine ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/cfengine/config %p/etc/%N/cfengine/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff6: << Package: %N-cluster-server Description: Webmin module: Cluster Webmin Servers DescDetail: << Four modules for managing multiple webmin servers. Webmin Servers: - Displays an index of other Webmin servers for easy linking. Cluster Webmin Servers: - Install and manage modules, themes, users, groups and access control settings across multiple Webmin servers. Cluster Users and Groups: - Create, update and delete users and groups across multiple servers. Unlike NIS, each server has keeps its own passwd and group files which are remotely updated by this module. Cluster Software Packages: - Install RPMs, debian and solaris packages across multiple servers from one source. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: << lib/%N1.0/cluster-software etc/%N/cluster-software lib/%N1.0/cluster-useradmin etc/%N/cluster-useradmin lib/%N1.0/cluster-webmin etc/%N/cluster-webmin lib/%N1.0/servers etc/%N/servers << ConfFiles: << %p/etc/%N/cluster-software/config %p/etc/%N/cluster-software/admin.acl %p/etc/%N/cluster-useradmin/config %p/etc/%N/cluster-useradmin/admin.acl %p/etc/%N/cluster-webmin/config %p/etc/%N/cluster-webmin/admin.acl %p/etc/%N/servers/config %p/etc/%N/servers/admin.acl << DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff7: << Package: %N-dhcpd Description: Webmin module: DHCP Server DescDetail: << Manage subnets, hosts and groups for ISC DHCPD. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), dhcp Recommends: dhcp Files: lib/%N1.0/dhcpd etc/%N/dhcpd ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/dhcpd/config %p/etc/%N/dhcpd/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff8: << Package: %N-fetchmail Description: Webmin module: Fetchmail Mail Retrieval DescDetail: << Configure the popular fetchmail program for automatically retrieving mail from other servers. << DescUsage: << Configured by default for Mac OS X's built-in fetchmail. To use it with a fink-installed fetchmail, you must reconfigure the module to use the /sw directory instead. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), fetchmail Recommends: fetchmail | fetchmail-ssl Files: lib/%N1.0/fetchmail etc/%N/fetchmail ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/fetchmail/config %p/etc/%N/fetchmail/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff9: << Package: %N-x-heartbeat Description: EXTRA Webmin module: Heartbeat server monitor DescDetail: << Heartbeat is not yet available in fink. See: . << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) #Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), heartbeat #Recommends: heartbeat Files: lib/%N1.0/heartbeat etc/%N/heartbeat ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/heartbeat/config %p/etc/%N/heartbeat/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff10: << Package: %N-jabber Description: Webmin module: Jabber IM Server DescDetail: << Configure the multi-protocol Jabber messaging server. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), jabber Recommends: jabber Files: lib/%N1.0/jabber etc/%N/jabber ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/jabber/config %p/etc/%N/jabber/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff11: << Package: %N-x-majordomo Description: EXTRA Webmin module: Majordomo List Manager DescDetail: << Majordomo is not yet available in fink. See: . << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) #Recommends: majordomo #Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), majordomo Files: lib/%N1.0/majordomo etc/%N/majordomo ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/majordomo/config %p/etc/%N/majordomo/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff12: << Package: %N-mysql Description: Webmin module: MySQL Database Server DescDetail: << Setup databases, tables and permissions in your MySQL database server. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), mysql Recommends: mysql Files: lib/%N1.0/mysql etc/%N/mysql ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/mysql/config %p/etc/%N/mysql/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff13: << Package: %N-nfs Description: Webmin module: NFS Exports DescDetail: << Edit file shares from the /etc/exports file. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: lib/%N1.0/bsdexports etc/%N/bsdexports ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/bsdexports/config %p/etc/%N/bsdexports/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff14: << Package: %N-postfix Description: Webmin module: Postfix Configuration DescDetail: << Configure the Postfix mail server. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), postfix | postfix-release Recommends: postfix | postfix-release Files: lib/%N1.0/postfix etc/%N/postfix ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/postfix/config %p/etc/%N/postfix/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff15: << Package: %N-postgresql Description: Webmin module: PostgreSQL Database Server DescDetail: << Manage databases, tables and users in your PostgreSQL database server. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Recommends: postgresql Files: lib/%N1.0/postgresql etc/%N/postgresql ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/postgresql/config %p/etc/%N/postgresql/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff16: << Package: %N-procmail Description: Webmin module: Procmail Mail Filter DescDetail: << Edit recipes in the global /etc/procmailrc file, which apply to all incoming email. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: lib/%N1.0/procmail etc/%N/procmail ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/procmail/config %p/etc/%N/procmail/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff17: << Package: %N-proftpd Description: Webmin module: ProFTPD Server DescDetail: << Configure the powerful ProFTPD FTP server. Supports all options in most of the standard modules. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), proftp Recommends: proftpd Files: lib/%N1.0/proftpd etc/%N/proftpd ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/proftpd/config %p/etc/%N/proftpd/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff18: << Package: %N-pserver Description: Webmin module: CVS Server DescDetail: << Setup a remotely-accessible CVS server, manage users and browse the repository. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), cvs Recommends: cvs Files: lib/%N1.0/pserver etc/%N/pserver ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/pserver/config %p/etc/%N/pserver/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff19: << Package: %N-x-qmail Description: EXTRA Webmin module: QMail Configuration DescDetail: << qmail is not yet available in fink. See: . << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) #Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), qmail #Recommends: qmail Files: lib/%N1.0/qmailadmin etc/%N/qmailadmin ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/qmailadmin/config %p/etc/%N/qmailadmin/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff20: << Package: %N-samba Description: Webmin module: Samba Windows File Sharing DescDetail: << Create and edit samba file and print shares. << DescUsage: << Config files default to Mac OS X. For Mac OS X Server 1.x, you must reconfigure the module according to '/sw/lib/webmin1.0/samba/config-macos'. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: lib/%N1.0/samba etc/%N/samba ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/samba/config %p/etc/%N/samba/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff21: << Package: %N-sendmail Description: Webmin module: Sendmail Configuration DescDetail: << Manage sendmail aliases, masquerading, address rewriting and other features. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: lib/%N1.0/sendmail etc/%N/sendmail ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/sendmail/config %p/etc/%N/sendmail/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja DescUsage: << Config files default to Mac OS X. For Mac OS X Server 1.x, you must reconfigure the module according to '/sw/lib/webmin1.0/sendmail/config-macos'. << PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff22: << Package: %N-sentry Description: Webmin module: Security Sentries DescDetail: << Configure the portsentry, hostsentry and logcheck system security monitoring programs. (Hostsentry is not yet available in fink, see: .) << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), logcheck, portsentry Recommends: logcheck, portsentry Files: lib/%N1.0/sentry etc/%N/sentry ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/sentry/config %p/etc/%N/sentry/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff23: << Package: %N-squid Description: Webmin module: Squid Proxy Server DescDetail: << Configure Squid options, ACLs, caching parameters and proxy users. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), squid | squid-ssl Recommends: squid | squid-ssl Files: lib/%N1.0/squid etc/%N/squid ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/squid/config %p/etc/%N/squid/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff24: << Package: %N-sshd Description: Webmin module: SSH Server Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: lib/%N1.0/sshd etc/%N/sshd ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/sshd/config %p/etc/%N/sshd/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall Homepage: DescDetail: << Setup the SSH server for remote secure logins. << << SplitOff25: << Package: %N-status Description: Webmin module: System and Server Status Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: lib/%N1.0/status etc/%N/status ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/status/config %p/etc/%N/status/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall Homepage: DescDetail: << View the status of services on your system and on remote systems. << << SplitOff26: << Package: %N-stunnel Description: Webmin module: SSL Tunnels Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), stunnel Recommends: stunnel Files: lib/%N1.0/stunnel etc/%N/stunnel ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/stunnel/config %p/etc/%N/stunnel/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall Homepage: DescDetail: << Setup SSL tunnels to encrypt services like POP3 and IMAP, using stunnel run from inetd. << << SplitOff27: << Package: %N-telnet Description: Webmin module: Telnet Login Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: lib/%N1.0/telnet etc/%N/telnet ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/telnet/config %p/etc/%N/telnet/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall Homepage: DescDetail: << Login to your system with telnet. << DescUsage: << Config files default to Mac OS X. For Mac OS X Server 1.x, you must reconfigure the module according to '/sw/lib/webmin1.0/telnet/config-macos'. << << SplitOff28: << Package: %N-x-usermin Description: EXTRA Webmin module: Usermin Configuration DescDetail: << Configure global options for the Usermin user account management server. Usermin is not yet available in fink. See: . << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) #Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), usermin (>= 0.970-1) #Recommends: usermin (>= 0.970-1) Files: lib/%N1.0/usermin etc/%N/usermin ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/usermin/config %p/etc/%N/usermin/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff29: << Package: %N-x-vgetty Description: EXTRA Webmin module: Voicemail Server DescDetail: << mgetty & vgetty are not yet available in fink. See: . << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) #Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), mgetty, vgetty #Recommends: mgetty, vgetty Files: lib/%N1.0/vgetty etc/%N/vgetty ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/vgetty/config %p/etc/%N/vgetty/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff30: << Package: %N-webalizer Description: Webmin module: Webalizer Logfile Analysis DescDetail: << Generate reports from webserver, proxy server and FTP log files. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), webalizer Recommends: webalizer Files: lib/%N1.0/webalizer etc/%N/webalizer DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/webalizer/config %p/etc/%N/webalizer/admin.acl PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff31: << Package: %N-x-wuftpd Description: EXTRA Webmin module: WU-FTP Server DescDetail: << wu-ftpd is not yet available in fink. See: . << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) #Enhances: %N (= %v-%r), wu-ftpd #Recommends: wu-ftpd Files: lib/%N1.0/wuftpd etc/%N/wuftpd ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/wuftpd/config %p/etc/%N/wuftpd/admin.acl DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall << SplitOff32: << Package: %N-theme-msc Description: Webmin theme: MSC.Linux DescDetail: << This is the theme used at the and websites. It is the default for a standard Webmin installation. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: lib/%N1.0/mscstyle3 DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-theme-postinstall PostRmScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-theme-postremove << SplitOff33: << Package: %N-theme-caldera Description: Webmin theme: Caldera DescDetail: << Caldera's theme for Webmin. Contains two frames, with the categories and modules always at the top and the CGIs at the bottom. << Homepage: Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) Files: lib/%N1.0/caldera DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-theme-postinstall PostRmScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-theme-postremove << #SplitOff2: << # Package: %N-x-adsl-client # Description: EXTRA Webmin module: adsl-client # DescDetail: << # Set up a PPP client with the RP-PPPoE package. # This module doesn't work with Mac OS X yet. # << # Homepage: # Depends: %N (= %v-%r) # Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) # Files: lib/%N1.0/adsl-client etc/%N/adsl-client # ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/adsl-client/config %p/etc/%N/adsl-client/admin.acl # DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja # PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall #<< #SplitOff17: << # Package: %N-x-pptp-client # Description: EXTRA Webmin module: pptp-client # DescDetail: << # Configure and establish connections to a VPN server using the PPTP # protocol. This module doesn't work with Mac OS X yet. # << # Homepage: # Depends: %N (= %v-%r) # Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) # Files: lib/%N1.0/pptp-client etc/%N/pptp-client # ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/pptp-client/config %p/etc/%N/pptp-client/admin.acl # DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja # PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall #<< #SplitOff18: << # Package: %N-x-pptp-server # Description: EXTRA Webmin module: pptp-server # DescDetail: << # Set up your system as a PPTP server so that Linux or Windows VPN # clients can connect. This module doesn't work with Mac OS X yet. # << # Homepage: # Depends: %N (= %v-%r), %N-x-pptp-client (>= %v-%r) # Enhances: %N (= %v-%r) # Files: lib/%N1.0/pptp-server etc/%N/pptp-server # ConfFiles: %p/etc/%N/pptp-server/config %p/etc/%N/pptp-server/admin.acl # DocFiles: LICENCE LICENCE.ja # PostInstScript: %p/lib/%N1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall #<< PreRmScript: [ -f %p/etc/%n/stop ] && %p/etc/%n/stop || true PostRmScript: << [ "$1" != "upgrade" ] && [ -f "/Library/StartupItems/daemonic-%n/daemonic-%n" ] && daemonic remove %n || true echo "Removing empty directories..." rmdir %p/var/%n || true rmdir %p/etc/%n/* || true echo " " echo "Note:" echo "Not all of the configuration files in '%p/etc/%n' were" echo "removed. Remember to backup any configuration files you want to" echo "retain before purging them." <<