Package: anonlog Version: 1.0 Revision: 1 Description: Tool to "anonymize" web server logfiles License: GPL Maintainer: Christian Schaffner # Unpack Phase: Source: mirror:sourceforge:anonlog/anonlog-%v.tar.gz # Patch Phase: PatchScript: << sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %a/%f.patch | patch -p1 << # Compile Phase: CompileScript: << << # Build Phase: ConfFiles: %p/etc/anonlog/anonlog.cfg %p/etc/anonlog/dictionary # Install Phase: DocFiles: Licence.txt Readme.html anondocs.css InstallScript: << mv anonlog /usr/bin/install -d %i/bin /usr/bin/install -m 755 anonlog %i/bin /usr/bin/install -d %i/etc /usr/bin/install -d %i/etc/anonlog /usr/bin/install -m 664 dictionary %i/etc/anonlog /usr/bin/install -m 664 anonlog.cfg %i/etc/anonlog << DescDetail: << Anonlog anonymizes the following items from the original logfile: filenames (but preserves the extension), visitors' hostnames, referrers, usernames and virtual hostnames. (Some of these items, especially the last two, may not be present in every logfile.) The following items are left unchanged: date and time of each request, HTTP status code, file size, processing time and browser name. Search arguments on files and referrers are deleted, and replaced with an indication that they were present. Anonlog can read logfiles in several different commonly-used formats. The anonymized logfile is written to a new file. The translation uses real words where possible. Furthermore, items are translated "hierarchically" - for example, if became then might become (It is configurable whether the new names should be the same length as the old ones). The key to the translation can be written to a file if you want. Note that running the program on the same file twice will not produce the same results. (This is a deliberate security feature.) If you run analog on the original and the anonymized logfiles, the results should be almost exactly analogous (with minor differences due to different parsing routines) except for analog's Search Word Report and Search Query Reports, which will be lost, and the Organisation Report, which will be wrong. << DescUsage: << Type 'anonlog' in the terminal and it will print out the anonymized logfile from the default location (/var/log/httpd/access_log). You can adjust these settings by editing the config file /sw/etc/anonlog/anonlog.cfg or by passing another config file: anonlog my_anonlog.cfg To store the results in a file: anonlog > anonymized.log << DescPackaging: << patched to take one command line parameter: the location of the config file. Default location of the apache log file patched into the config file. << Homepage: Source-MD5: d08387d0bfbaeaee6a7f7f6ac2a1c9e7