Package: axel Version: 1.0a Revision: 1 Maintainer: Dominik Westner Source: Source-MD5: 2d94c0b36b374834567f1fcec5f89119 BuildDepends: gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools ConfigureParams: --i18n=1 CompileScript: << ./configure %c echo 'CFLAGS+=-I%p/include' >> Makefile.settings echo 'LFLAGS+=-L%p/lib' >> Makefile.settings make << InstallScript: << cp axelrc.example axelrc.sample make install DESTDIR=%d PREFIX=%p << DocFiles: API CHANGES COPYING CREDITS README axelrc.sample ConfFiles: %p/etc/axelrc Description: Light download accelerator for ftp and http DescDetail: << This program tries to accelerate the downloading process by using multiple connections for one file. Starting from version 0.97, the program can use different URL's for one download as well. The program tries to be as light as possible (25-30k in binary form), so it might be useful as a wget clone on byte-critical systems. << DescUsage: << Run the program like this: axel For a simple single-server-multiple-connection download, or: axel ftp://ftp.{nl,be,de} If you want to use those three servers for the download. The program can do an automatic search for FTP mirrors as well (, but that's not yet perfect... Just try the -S option. (The line above should at least work with the Bash shell. You can type all the mirrors by hand as well, if you really want to...) << License: GPL Homepage: