Package: elinks Version: 0.9.1 Revision: 4 Description: Development version of Links text WWW browser License: GPL Maintainer: Daniel Macks Conflicts: elinks, elinks-ssl Replaces: elinks, elinks-ssl Depends: dlcompat-shlibs, expat-shlibs BuildDepends: dlcompat-dev, expat, bzip2-dev, gettext-dev, libiconv-dev Source: Source-MD5: 78b536a9e9607ed522229b70172706a8 Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --without-gpm --without-lua --without-guile --without-x --without-openssl CompileScript: << ./configure %c make << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d rm %i/lib/charset.alias %i/share/locale/locale.alias << DocFiles: AUTHORS BUGS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README SITES THANKS TODO DescDetail: << Development version of Links (Lynx-like text WWW browser), with more liberal features policy and development style. This is the ELinks tree - intended to provide a feature-rich version of Links. Its purpose is to provide an alternative to Links, and to test and tune various new features, but still provide good rock-solid releases inside stable branches. << DescPort: << Add missing paramater to assertm() in src/document/html/table.c. Don't know why src/formhist/Makefile includes 2 copies of formhist.o in libformhist.a, but leaveing it alone for now. configure and src/ lump -liconv in with other libs causing compiling to crash when -liconv is used as a dependency. Deconvolute these in configure and src/ so we don't have to re-autoconf or mess with m4. po/Makefile ignores prefix= passed with 'make install' but respects DESTDIR= so do it that way. Remove stray non-package-specific config.charset and charset.alias. Solved bus error during table layout (printf("%d",*a) for a==NULL). Fink has lua5 but elinks is written against lua4 so diable lua support. Docs say guile isn't finished being implemented so disable it. Not going to require X11. For info about why it is needed at all, see << Homepage: