Package: xlockmore Version: 5.05 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Mike Newton BuildDepends: x11-dev Depends: x11,app-defaults Source: mirror:custom:xlockmore-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 7fa5d477d0abf6abe6819ece0e7ea01f PatchScript: head -25 xlock/xlock.c > License DocFiles: License README docs/3d.howto docs/HACKERS.GUIDE docs/Revisions docs/TODO docs/cell_automata docs/xlock.hlp docs/xlock.html UpdateConfigGuess: true ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man --enable-appdefaultdir=%i/etc/app-defaults CustomMirror: << Primary: Secondary: << Patch: %f.patch Description: Xwindows session locking DescDetail: << xlock locks the X server till the user enters their password at the keyboard. While xlock is running, all new server connections are refused. The screen saver is disabled. The mouse cursor is turned off. The screen is blanked and a changing pattern is put on the screen. If a key or a mouse button is pressed then the user is prompted for the password of the user who started xlock. << License: BSD Homepage: