Package: xpostit Version: 3.3.2 Revision: 11 Description: X window system Post-it(R) notes DescPort: << There is a plaid.c (functions) and a Plaid.c (the Plaid widget), so plaid.c is renamed to plaidfuncs.c (and associated Imakefile change). Some #include and prototype tweaking was required to get it to compile and run. There are still a lot of compiler warnings, but nothing show-stopping. The current Debian distro uses 3.3.1 even though older distros use 3.3.2. The original-source URL given in the debian 3.3.2-2 package is no longer valid, so we fetch the older debian (=newer xpostit) package and rename the tarball on-the-fly so we don't confuse the debian and fink packaging revision-numbers. Thanks to Jeffrey Whitaker's and Sylvain Cuaz's for tips on getting the xmkmf-provided 'make install' to work under Fink. The commented-out InstallScript was my best prospect at getting it all correct, but even that one insisted on creating /sw/lib/app-defaults as a copy of the /sw/etc one (but putting its xdefaults in /the /sw/etc one). But gv also does this, so installing xpostit after gv fails as dpkg refuses to let xpostit over- write gv's /sw/etc/app-defaults. This program is somewhat crash-prone on OS X and is obsoleted by xpad. Since xpad is in the 10.3 tree, xpostit should not be moved there. << License: BSD Maintainer: Daniel Macks BuildDepends: x11-dev Depends: x11, app-defaults GCC: 3.3 #Source: mirror:debian:pool/main/x/%n/%n_%v.orig.tar.gz Source: Source-MD5: 60ae2651265910dfb40a863038484a3d SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz TarFilesRename: plaid.c:plaidfuncs.c Patch: %n.patch SetMACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: 10.2 CompileScript: << xmkmf make << #InstallScript: make DESTDIR=%d BINDIR=%p/bin MANPATH=%p/share/man DOCDIR=%p/share/doc/%n CONFDIR=%p/etc XAPPLOADDIR=%p/etc/app-defaults LIBDIR=%p/lib install InstallScript: << make DESTDIR=%d BINDIR=%p/bin CONFDIR=%p/etc MANPATH=%p/share/man DOCDIR=%p/share/doc/%n install mkdir -p %i/etc/app-defaults install -c -p -m 0444 %i/etc/app-defaults/XPostit install -c -p -m 0444 %i/etc/app-defaults/XPostit-color install -c -p -m 0444 %i/etc/app-defaults/XPostit-intl << DocFiles: README