Package: xrootconsole Version: 0.5 Revision: 3 BuildDepends: dlcompat-dev, x11-dev Depends: x11 Provides: xrootconsole Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz PatchScript: patch < %a/%n.patch CompileScript: make DocFiles: README COPYING CREDITS NEWS TODO Description: Live logs on background. IS rootless bg DescDetail: << xrootconsole is a small utility to write any log file of your choice live to anywhere on your root window with options for color and placement all documented in the man file or with the --help option. In rootless XDarwin, the area it's set to cover becomes an area that acts as the root window. Convenient for wm's not hacked to deal with no root window. Enjoy! Joe Gorse << Homepage: License: GPL Maintainer: Joe Gorse Source-MD5: 187efc4496ff337711bb020ef0c4fb74