Package: sqlite Version: 2.8.5 Revision: 1 Description: Embedded SQL database DescDetail: << SQLite is a C library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine. Programs that link with the SQLite library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. The distribution comes with a standalone command-line access program ( sqlite ) that can be used to administer an SQLite database and which serves as an example of how to use the SQLite library. << DescPort: << Patch configure to find the Fink readline headers. This package requires readline present to build due to issues with the default sqlite configure script when run on OS X. << License: Public Domain Maintainer: Peter Wilkinson Homepage: DocFiles: README LICENSE Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), readline-shlibs BuildDepends: readline Source: Source-MD5: 990586435d2ec9ccf1a9837c70f237cf SourceDirectory: sqlite # Patch Phase: PatchScript: << sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %a/%n.patch | patch -p1 head -10 src/ > LICENSE << SetCFLAGS: -I%P/include CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh LIBRARY_PATH=%P/lib C_INCLUDE_PATH=%P/include ./configure --without-tcl --prefix=%P LIBRARY_PATH=%P/lib C_INCLUDE_PATH=%P/include make << SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs DocFiles: README LICENSE Shlibs: %p/lib/libsqlite.0.dylib 6.0.0 %n (>= 2.8.5-2) Files: lib/libsqlite.0.5.3.dylib lib/libsqlite.0.dylib << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-dev DocFiles: README LICENSE BuildDependsOnly: True Files: lib/ lib/libsqlite.a include/sqlite.h lib/libsqlite.dylib <<