Package: distcc Version: 2.11.1 Revision: 2 Depends: daemonic, popt-shlibs, passwd (>= 20031013-1) Suggests: ccache BuildDepends: gettext-dev, gtk+2-dev, libglade2, libiconv, libxml2, passwd (>= 20031013-1), popt BuildDependsOnly: true Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Source: Source-MD5: 7b096504d7ef4805d30b0638224c7f46 ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info --with-gtk SetCPPFLAGS: -no-cpp-precomp -I%p/include SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh unset DISTCC_HOSTS unset CCACHE_PREFIX ./configure %c perl -pi -e 's,.*#define HAVE_SETGROUPS.*,,' src/config.h make << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh install -d -m 755 %i/bin make install DESTDIR=%d install -d -m 755 %i/etc cat < %i/etc/distcc.conf # the hosts to use when compiling DISTCC_HOSTS='localhost' # whether to give more verbose output DISTCC_VERBOSE=0 # the full path of a log file to log to # DISTCC_LOG=LOGFILE # disable tcp corks (see manual for details) DISTCC_TCP_CORK=1 # Enable building with multiple concurrent make # sessions by default -- this can cause problems # with building some packages. If you have issues # building a package, comment this back out and # try again. #MAKEFLAGS=-j4 END cat < %i/etc/distccd.conf # how nice should distccd be? DISTCCD_NICENESS=5 # the port to listen on DISTCCD_PORT=3632 # the IP address to listen on # = all DISTCCD_LISTEN= # the user to run as DISTCCD_USER=distcc # hosts to allow to connect to this distccd instance # format:[/CIDR_BITMASK] [[/CIDR_BITMASK]] ... # empty string = all DISTCCD_ALLOW="" # whether to be verbose in the logs # "" = no, anything else = yes DISTCCD_VERBOSE="true" # the log file to write to DISTCCD_LOGFILE="%p/var/log/distccd.log" END cat < %i/bin/ #!/bin/sh source %p/etc/distccd.conf DISTCCD_COMMAND="%p/bin/distccd --daemon --pid-file %p/var/run/" [ -n "\$DISTCCD_NICENESS" ] && DISTCCD_COMMAND="\$DISTCCD_COMMAND --nice \$DISTCCD_NICENESS" [ -n "\$DISTCCD_PORT" ] && DISTCCD_COMMAND="\$DISTCCD_COMMAND --port \$DISTCCD_PORT" [ -n "\$DISTCCD_LISTEN" ] && DISTCCD_COMMAND="\$DISTCCD_COMMAND --listen \$DISTCCD_LISTEN" [ -n "\$DISTCCD_USER" ] && DISTCCD_COMMAND="\$DISTCCD_COMMAND --user \$DISTCCD_USER" [ -n "\$DISTCCD_VERBOSE" ] && DISTCCD_COMMAND="\$DISTCCD_COMMAND --verbose" [ -n "\$DISTCCD_LOGFILE" ] && DISTCCD_COMMAND="\$DISTCCD_COMMAND --log-file \$DISTCCD_LOGFILE" for allow in \$DISTCCD_ALLOW; do DISTCCD_COMMAND="\$DISTCCD_COMMAND --allow \$allow" done touch "%p/var/log/distccd.log" touch "%p/var/run/" chown distcc "%p/var/log/distccd.log" chown distcc "%p/var/run/" \$DISTCCD_COMMAND END chmod 755 %i/bin/ install -d -m 755 %i/etc/profile.d cat < %i/etc/profile.d/ #### DO NOT EDIT BELOW HERE #### grep -q -E '^ *DISTCC_HOSTS' %p/etc/distcc.conf && export DISTCC_HOSTS=\`grep DISTCC_HOSTS %p/etc/distcc.conf | grep -v '^ *#' | tr -d \'\" | cut -d= -f2\` grep -q -E '^ *DISTCC_VERBOSE' %p/etc/distcc.conf && export DISTCC_VERBOSE=\`grep DISTCC_VERBOSE %p/etc/distcc.conf | grep -v '^ *#' | tr -d \'\" | cut -d= -f2\` grep -q -E '^ *DISTCC_LOG' %p/etc/distcc.conf && export DISTCC_LOG=\`grep DISTCC_LOG %p/etc/distcc.conf | grep -v '^ *#' | tr -d \'\" | cut -d= -f2\` grep -q -E '^ *DISTCC_TCP_CORK' %p/etc/distcc.conf && export DISTCC_TCP_CORK=\`grep DISTCC_TCP_CORK %p/etc/distcc.conf | grep -v '^ *#' | tr -d \'\" | cut -d= -f2\` grep -q -E '^ *MAKEFLAGS' %p/etc/distcc.conf && export MAKEFLAGS=\`grep MAKEFLAGS %p/etc/distcc.conf | grep -v '^ *#' | tr -d \'\" | cut -d= -f2\` END cat < %i/etc/profile.d/distcc.csh #### DO NOT EDIT BELOW HERE #### grep -q -E '^ *DISTCC_HOSTS' %p/etc/distcc.conf && setenv DISTCC_HOSTS \`grep DISTCC_HOSTS %p/etc/distcc.conf | grep -v '^ *#' | tr -d \'\" | cut -d= -f2\` grep -q -E '^ *DISTCC_VERBOSE' %p/etc/distcc.conf && setenv DISTCC_VERBOSE \`grep DISTCC_VERBOSE %p/etc/distcc.conf | grep -v '^ *#' | tr -d \'\" | cut -d= -f2\` grep -q -E '^ *DISTCC_LOG' %p/etc/distcc.conf && setenv DISTCC_LOG \`grep DISTCC_LOG %p/etc/distcc.conf | grep -v '^ *#' | tr -d \'\" | cut -d= -f2\` grep -q -E '^ *DISTCC_TCP_CORK' %p/etc/distcc.conf && setenv DISTCC_TCP_CORK \`grep DISTCC_TCP_CORK %p/etc/distcc.conf | grep -v '^ *#' | tr -d \'\" | cut -d= -f2\` grep -q -E '^ *MAKEFLAGS' %p/etc/distcc.conf && setenv MAKEFLAGS \`grep MAKEFLAGS %p/etc/distcc.conf | grep -v '^ *#' | tr -d \'\" | cut -d= -f2\` END chmod 755 %i/etc/profile.d/* << DaemonicFile: << distributed compiling daemon distributed compiling daemon %p/bin/distccd %p/etc/distccd.conf %p/var/run/ << SplitOff: << Package: %N-default Depends: %N (>= %v-%r), ccache (>= 2.2), ccache-default (>= 2.2) Description: Enable distcc+ccache by default DocFiles: COPYING* RuntimeVars: << CCACHE_PREFIX: distcc << << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-gtk Depends: %N, gettext, gtk+2-shlibs, libglade2-shlibs, libiconv, libxml2-shlibs, popt-shlibs Description: GUI monitor for distcc build hosts DocFiles: COPYING* Files: bin/distccmon-gnome share/distcc/distccmon-gnome* << ConfFiles: %p/etc/distcc.conf %p/etc/distccd.conf DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING* INSTALL NEWS README* Description: Distributed compilation tool DescDetail: << distcc is a program to distribute compilation of C or C++ code across several machines on a network. distcc should always generate the same results as a local compile, is simple to install and use, and is often two or more times faster than a local compile. << DescUsage: << To use distcc, you must set the DISTCC_HOSTS environment variable to a list of hosts that have the distcc daemon running. See the distcc manpage for details on how to use distcc as your compiler. To use distcc by default, in conjunction with ccache, install the distcc-default package. << Homepage: License: GPL