Package: pilrc Version: 2.9p10 Revision: 3 Maintainer: Vadim Zaliva # Source: Source-MD5: 3fba042b558ba9b2ada20ba5eff018c4 Source2: Source2-MD5: 7fbc143a0d87753250664410bdaf8d8b PatchScript: tr -d "\r" < ../pilrc-2.9p10.diff | patch -p1 Patch: %f.patch SourceDirectory: pilrc-2.9p9 CompileScript: make -f Makefile.generic InstallScript: mkdir -p %i/bin ; install -m 755 pilrc %i/bin # Description: Palm Pilot resouce file compiler DescDetail: << PilRC is an application that takes a resource script file and generates one or more binary resource files that are to be used when developing for the Palm Computing Platform. PilRCUI gives you a preview of your resource file. << DocFiles: LICENSE.txt README.txt License: GPL Homepage: