Package: scite Version: 1.51 Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: 71439397367fae2bd92b74f63144e74f Depends: gtk+-shlibs, dlcompat-shlibs, dillo NoSourceDirectory: True BuildDepends: gtk+, dlcompat-dev, gettext-dev, gettext-bin CompileScript: << #!/bin/csh cd scintilla/gtk make prefix=%p cd ../.. cd scite/gtk perl -pi -e 's/-DNDEBUG -Os/-DNDEBUG -Dunix -Os/g' makefile make prefix=%p << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh cd scite/gtk mkdir -p %i/bin make install prefix=%i cd %i/share/%n perl -pi -e 's/netscape/dillo/g' *.properties << DocFiles: scite/License.txt scite/README Description: Small syntax styling source code editor DescDetail: << SciTE is a GUI-based single-document editor which uses the Scintilla editor component. It rapidly styles most common programming languages with good control over how syntactic elements are displayed, and features folding for C++, C, Java, JavaScript, and Python. Styling of HTML also styles embedded scripts written in VBScript, Javascript, or Python. << License: OSI-Approved Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker Homepage: