Package: the Version: 3.1 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Eric Oberle GCC: 3.1 Source: mirror:sourceforge:hessling-editor/THE-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 3d09dad65e1c0efe9ec8ead013df9d08 SourceDirectory: THE-%v Depends: pdcurses-shlibs, regina-bin, x11 BuildDepends: pdcurses, regina Suggests: regina PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <%a/%f.patch | patch -p1 CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh ./configure --prefix=%p --with-rexx=regina --with-rexxlibdir=%p/lib --with-ncurses --with-curseslibdir=%p/l\ ib make mv the the-ncurses ./configure --prefix=%p --with-rexx=regina --with-rexxlibdir=%p/lib --with-xcurses --with-cursesincdir=%p/i\ nclude --with-curseslibdir=%p/lib make the mv the the-xcurses << InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i mandir=%i/share/man install -m 755 -c the.x %i/bin/the install -m 755 -c the-ncurses %i/bin/ install -m 755 -c the-xcurses %i/bin/ install -m 644 -c system-profile.the %i/share/THE/ install -m 644 -c toggle-prefix.the %i/share/THE/ install -m 644 -c toggle-shadow.the %i/share/THE/ << DocFiles: COPYING FAQ README THE_Help.txt RuntimeVars: << DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: %p/lib << Description: X/Kedit-like scriptable text/program editor DescDetail: << This package makes Mark Hessling's THE, a unix implementation of IBM's VM/CMS Xedit and Kedit for the DOS platform, available to the Mac OS X platform. The includes powerful folding and scripting features, allowing users to do a search and replace, for example, only on lines previously selected by other criteria. (Try for example the 'all /criteria/' command followed by 'c /target/replace/ *') Also try using the shadow selection prefix and line commands. All of this is fully scriptable using the Rexx macro language, a powerful tcl-like programming language (Rexx is made available via fink as the regina package.) The fink package of 'the' installs two binary executables, one built to run in X11 ('the-xcurses') and one built to run in any terminal window, most notably Apple's ('the-ncurses'). Invoking 'the' from the command line will invoke whichever of these two versions that seems most appropriate to the terminal type. The fink package also installs a default user profile in ~/.therc and sets up a macro directory in /sw/share/THE, provided the profile file does not already exist. Full documentation of the editor and its many commands is available at Some online help is available within the by issuing the 'help' command from the command/home line, or by typing shift-F4 under the default profile. Many thanks for this package are due to Mathias Meyer, who made it possible. << DescPackaging: License: LGPL Homepage: