Package: vim-nox Version: 6.2 Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: c49d360bbd069d00e2a57804f2a123d9 SourceDirectory: vim62 BuildDepends: dlcompat-dev, libiconv-dev, ncurses-dev Depends: dlcompat-shlibs Conflicts: vim Replaces: vim Provides: vim Patch: %f.patch ConfigureParams: --with-features=big --without-x --enable-gui=no --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --enable-multibyte CompileScript: (cd src; ./configure %c; make) InstallScript: (cd src; make install prefix=%i) perl -pi -e '$dp=qw(%d%p);$p=qw(%p);s/$dp/$p/g' %d%p/share/man/man1/* DocFiles: src/INSTALL README.txt License: Restrictive/Distributable Description: Improved version of the editor "vi" DescDetail: << VIM adds many of the features that you would expect in an editor: Unlimited undo, syntax coloring, split windows, visual selection, graphical user interface (read: menus, mouse control, scrollbars, text selection), and much much more. << DescPort: << Does not build GUI, therefore does not require X11. << Homepage: Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker