Package: gd-pm Version: 1.33 Revision: 4 Depends: gd-shlibs, freetype-shlibs, libjpeg-bin BuildDepends: freetype2, freetype | freetype-hinting, gd, libjpeg, dlcompat-dev Maintainer: Michael Baudis Source: SourceRename: GD-%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: GD-%v Source-MD5: 48d9f13b2652a56a08a02ea5ed1aadf6 DescPackaging: Makefile.PL is patched via perl commands for linking with the gd libs in the Fink directory because of the forced installation of libjpeg and freetype, interactive feature selection is overridden PatchScript: cp Makefile.PL Makefile.PL.original perl -pi -e 's/qw\(-I/qw\(-I\%p\/include -I/' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/qw\(-L/qw\(-L\%p\/lib -L/' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/warn.+Please.+//' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/(JPEG +=).+eq /$1/' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/(TTF +=).+eq /$1/' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/(XPM +=).+eq /$1/' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/(XPM.+)y/$1n/' Makefile.PL CompileScript: perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=%i LIB=%i/lib/perl5 INSTALLMAN1DIR=%i/share/man/man1 INSTALLMAN3DIR=%i/share/man/man3 make InstallScript: make install rm -f %i/lib/perl5/darwin/perllocal.pod mkdir -p %i/share/doc/gd-pm install -p -m644 MANIFEST README %i/share/doc/gd-pm License: Artistic Description: Perl interface to the GD graphics library Homepage: