Package: xaos Version: 3.0 Revision: 13 Source: gnu Source-MD5: e0e66a873b6d5193a79bc89345992d6b Patch: %f.patch Depends: libpng3-shlibs, slang-shlibs, x11 BuildDepends: libpng3, slang, dlcompat-dev, ncurses-dev UpdateConfigGuess: true ConfigureParams: --infodir='%p/share/info' --datadir='%p/share' --mandir='%p/share/man' --bindir='%p/bin/' --with-pthread=yes SetCFLAGS: -I%p/include -DNO_MALLOC_H GCC: 3.1 InstallScript: << mv INSTALL foo mkdir -p %i/share/info make install DESTDIR=%d << InfoDocs: DocFiles: COPYING TODO doc/README doc/ANNOUNCE doc/PROBLEMS doc/SPONSORS Description: Fractal explorer DescDetail: << XaoS is a fast portable real-time interactive fractal zoomer. It displays the Mandelbrot set (among other escape time fractals) and allows you zoom smoothly into the fractal. It uses lots of optimization techniques to save about 97% of calculations necessary to calculate next frame to make zooming as fast as possible. To make result more interesting, various coloring modes, formulas, planes and palette are supported. XaoS is also able to record and replay animations using simple script language. We've prepared about half an hour long movie "Introduction to fractals" with over 500 images and animations. For those who are lazy to explore fractals manually an autopilot function is provided. << License: GPL Maintainer: Ben Hines Homepage: