Package: ocaml Version: 3.06 Revision: 2 Description: The latest implementation of the Caml dialect of ML DescDetail: << The main novelties compared with its ancestor, Caml Light, are: 1) Full support for objects and classes -- here combined for the first time with ML-style type reconstruction. 2) A powerful module calculus in the style of Standard ML (but retaining separate compilation). 3) A high-performance native code compiler (in addition to a Caml Light-style bytecode compiler). << BuildDepends: tcltk-dev, dlcompat-dev Depends: tcltk, dlcompat Patch: %f.patch DescPort: Uses custom configure script. ocaml compilers not compiled with native code compiler (make opt.opt fails). Source: Source2: Source3: Source4: Source3-MD5: 2b555271d2630698fcd3a9b9acfd1440 Source4-MD5: b056cd56e8f712aefa809efd75a965dc Source2-MD5: 7a23eb2287e04d359500dcaa8a8b504c Source-MD5: 51530ed183b511ce19fed325c8ab1b43 CompileScript: ./configure -tkdefs -I%p/include -tklibs -L%p/lib -bindir %p/bin -libdir %p/lib/ocaml -mandir %p/share/man1 -prefix %p make world opt InstallScript: make install BINDIR=%i/bin LIBDIR=%i/lib/ocaml MANDIR=%i/share/man/man1 mv %i/lib/ocaml/ld.conf %i/lib/ocaml/ld.conf.orig sed -e "s|%d||" %i/lib/ocaml/ld.conf.orig > %i/lib/ocaml/ld.conf rm -f %i/lib/ocaml/ld.conf.orig (cd emacs; make install BINDIR=%i/bin EMACSDIR=%i/share/emacs/site-lisp) (mkdir -p %i/share/info; cd ../infoman; cp ocaml*.gz %i/share/info) (mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n; cp -R ../htmlman %i/share/doc/%n) DocFiles: Changes README LICENSE INSTALL ../ License: OSI-Approved Homepage: Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker