Package: smarteiffel Version: 1.1 Revision: 1 Conflicts: smalleiffel Replaces: smalleiffel Description: GNU Eiffel compiler, version 1.1 DescDetail: << SmartEiffel (previously known as SmallEiffel) is intended to be a complete, though small and very fast, free Eiffel compiler; it is the result of a research project of the LORIA, a joint computer science research center in Nancy, France. The current distribution includes compilers from Eiffel to C and Java bytecode, debugger, documentation tool, pretty printer and various other tools. << License: GPL DescPackaging: << Small patches to get things to work with files in good locations << # Source: Source-MD5: babb4fd865abf3251a35e819204470e3 SourceDirectory: SmartEiffel PatchScript: sed -e 's:@@PREFIX@@:%p:g' <%a/%f.patch | patch -p1 # CompileScript: << cc -o se_install install.c (echo ''; echo '1'; echo '1'; echo '%b/fink-compiletime-serc'; echo ''; echo '4'; echo '5'; echo ''; echo '6') | ./se_install << # InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/lib/%n cp -R lib/* %i/lib/%n/ mkdir -p %i/bin rm bin/README.txt install -m 755 bin/* %i/bin/ mkdir -p %i/share/%n cp -R contrib misc short sys tools tutorial %i/share/%n mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -R man %i/share/doc/%n/ mkdir -p %i/etc/profile.d install -m 755 %i/etc/profile.d/ install -m 755 %n.csh %i/etc/profile.d/ install -m 755 fink-serc %i/etc/serc << # DocFiles: COPYING GNU_LICENSE READ_ME index.html Homepage: Maintainer: Damien Pollet