Package: zsh Version: 4.0.6 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 6a86da9120e97ebe03afd6a51f717c0f BuildDepends: dlcompat-dev Depends: dlcompat GCC: 3.1 DocFiles: README LICENCE INSTALL License: OSI-Approved ConfigureParams: --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' Description: Powerful unix shell DescDetail: << Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) which of the standard shells most resembles the Korn shell (ksh). It includes enhancements of many types, notably in the command-line editor, options for customising its behaviour, filename globbing, features to make C-shell (csh) users feel more at home and extra features drawn from tcsh. << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d Homepage: Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker