Package: sox Version: 12.17.3 Revision: 3 Source: mirror:sourceforge:sox/sox-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 1b9998387616ce0638c8edd1145f9932 BuildDepends: libvorbis0, libogg Depends: gsm, libvorbis0-shlibs, libogg-shlibs Patch: %f.patch ConfigureParams: --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i make install-lib prefix=%i << DocFiles: README Copyright Description: Universal sound sample translator DescDetail: << SoX (SOund eXchange) is meant to be the Swiss Army Knife of sound processing utils. It can convert audio files to other popular audio file types and also apply sound effects and filters during the conversion. << License: GPL/LGPL Maintainer: Leigh Smith Homepage: