Package: debfoster Version: 2.0-pre8 Revision: 1 Description: The ultimate debian pkg mgmt tool License: LGPL Maintainer: Michal Suchanek BuildDepends: gettext-dev, gettext-bin, libgnugetopt, autoconf | autoconf2.5, automake Depends: gettext, libgnugetopt-shlibs Source: Source-MD5: 318e78e6f529e3a0c28eeff8eec580d6 Patch: %n.patch SetLIBS: -lintl -lgnugetopt SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/include/gnugetopt -DTCGETS=19 -DTCSETS=20 UpdateConfigGuess: yes CompileScript: << ./ --prefix=%p --mandir=%p/share/man make << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d << ConfFiles: %p/etc/debfoster.conf DocFiles: ABOUT-NLS AUTHORS COPYING INSTALL NEWS README THANKS TODO DescDetail: << For cleaning up unused libraries and freeing disk space. << HomePage: DescPort: << Uses some termio defines that are not present. Defined in CPPFLAGS. Yuck It expects dpkg database in /var/lib/dpkg unless patched. configure eated -lintl in LIBS. Regenerated with autogen. <<