Package: fileutils Version: 4.1 Revision: 4 Maintainer: Max Horn Source: gnu Source-MD5: 2fa04ceee87e962ddf72f32a2d6b906d Patch: %n.patch BuildDepends: gettext-dev, gettext-bin ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d mv %i/bin/rm %i/bin/rm.gnu rm -f %i/lib/charset.alias << DocFiles: README COPYING NEWS THANKS # PostInstScript: << if [ -L %p/etc/alternatives/charset.alias ]; then update-alternatives --remove charset.alias %p/lib/charset.alias.fileutils fi << InfoDocs: # Description: Common shell commands like ls, touch, chmod DescDetail: << The GNU fileutils package contains common shell commands that work on files and directories. This includes stuff like ls, mkdir, cp, rm, chmod and touch. The GNU versions of these utilities often have extra features like colored directory listings and heaps of command line options. << DescPort: << There are problems with rm (and recursive mv) which may have their origin in the Darwin kernel. Since this breaks 'rm -rf', rm is disabled by renaming it to rm.gnu. This appears to be fixed in 10.1, but the fix persists while we still support 10.0.x. The exotic commands like mknod may or may not work in a useful manner on Darwin. charset.alias is deleted because it is empty on Darwin anyway and causes unnecessary conflicts between packages. << License: GPL Homepage: