Package: fwipe Version: 0.35 Revision: 2 Description: Deletes files irrecoverably License: BSD Suggests: srm DescDetail: << fwipe provides a fast, secure way of deleting files irrecoverably. Each regular file is overwritten with 0's and 1's several times, and then deleted. fwipe is also reliable. fwipe0 won't be fooled by filenames containing white space, dashes, carriage returns, or anything else. Neither will fwipe, if the user is careful to quote arguments properly. fwipe is potentially dangerous, so please read all of the man pages and the web page before using it. Be aware that there is NO CONFIRMATION and the files you wipe can NOT be recovered by any means! << #Homepage: Homepage: Source: mirror:custom:%n-%v.tar.gz CustomMirror: << #Primary: #Primary: Primary: nam-us: << Source-MD5: 2fb3ab91f7ff56ce1c9f9bea1af6c32f PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%i|g' <%a/%f.patch | patch -p1 CompileScript: mv INSTALL INSTALL.txt; make DocFiles: BLURB COPYING INSTALL.txt InstallScript: mkdir -p %i/share; make setup check DescPort: << Use cc instead of gcc for building and linking (for pre-Jaguar systems). The custom Makefile ignores conf-root file and uses only conf-home, so hier.c is patched to install the man files into the share directory. Due to Mac OS X's handling of filename case, make overwrites the INSTALL doc during the build process so it must be renamed beforehand. << Maintainer: Carsten Klapp