Package: jless Version: 358-iso254 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:gnu:less/less-358.tar.gz Source2: Source-MD5: 692a94060a50dd35a4d65176cb899444 Source2-MD5: 4ccb02cfcdd9aafc2b147d56c895716a SourceDirectory: less-358 PatchScript: zcat ../less-358-iso254.patch.gz | patch -p1 BuildDepends: ncurses-dev ConfigureParams: --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' InstallScript: make install prefix=%i binprefix=j manprefix=j DocFiles: COPYING INSTALL LICENSE NEWS README.* Description: Featureful text pager with ISO 2022 code extension DescDetail: << GNU less is a featureful replacement for the more command. It reads text from a file or a pipe and displays it inside the terminal. It allows you to scroll forwards and backwards, search the text and do other nifty things with it. Applied ISO 2022 code extension patch. It also enables automatic decompression feature for compress and gzip files. << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: None