Package: mcvert Version: 2.16 Revision: 1 Suggests: mpack Source: mirror:debian:/pool/non-free/m/%n/%n_%v.orig.tar.gz SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: %n-%v.orig Source-MD5: a3e7aedb1d825e281f6b20199886b782 PatchScript: << cat %n.1 | sed 's@MACA@ttxt@g' | sed 's@MacWrite@TextEdit@g' > %n.1.patched cat %n.c | sed 's@MACA@ttxt@g' | sed 's@MacWrite@TextEdit@g' > %n.c.patched mv %n.1.patched %n.1 mv %n.c.patched %n.c head -460 %n.c > doc.tmp tail -37 doc.tmp | head -23 > LICENSE head -423 %n.c > CHANGELOG tail -14 doc.tmp >> CHANGELOG << CompileScript: make %n %n.1 CFLAGS_D='-O3 -prebind' InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin/ mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1/ install -m 755 %n %i/bin/ install -m 644 %n.1 %i/share/man/man1/ mv %n.idraw %n.idraw.eps << DocFiles: CHANGELOG LICENSE README-conversion %n.idraw.eps Description: MacBinary/Binhex file and line-endings converter DescDetail: << The mcvert program is an old (read: classic) unix program; nevertheless it remains useful for batch-converting files from the bloated and obsolete (but common) Binhex format (.hqx) into MacBinary (.bin). mcvert translates files between MacBinary format and other formats historically used to exchange Macintosh files, e.g. MacBinary {I,II}, Binhex 4.0, PackIt archives and the data/rsrc/info three file format. Note that it will not handle files encoded using the latest MacBinary III format (in use since Mac OS 8). mcvert can also translate Mac line endings (CR) to unix line endings (LF) and vice versa. By default it converts Binhex to MacBinary, but other conversions can be done. Read more about the MacBinary content transfer encoding format at: << Maintainer: Carsten Klapp DescPort: << Patched default text file creator from MacWrite (MACA) to TextEdit (ttxt). << License: Restrictive DescPackaging: Source distribution permitted. Homepage: