Package: popularity-contest Version: 1.3 Revision: 3 License: GPL Maintainer: Ben Hines Description: Fink Package Popularity Contest Depends: dpkg-awk, cron-service, findutils Suggests: postfix Source: mirror:debian:pool/main/p/%n/%n_%v-1.1.tar.gz SourceDirectory: %n-%v Source-MD5: 75ca129f79533cfd23b1da6077ba48cf PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %a/%f.patch | patch -p1 perl -pi.bak -e 's#(/etc)|(/var)#%p$1#' debian/%n.8 # Comment out savelog, until Fink's debianutils gets it perl -pi.bak -e 's|savelog|echo|' debian/cron.weekly MY_HOSTID=`dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1k count=1 2>/dev/null | md5sum` MAILTO="" PARTICIPATE="yes" cat > %n.conf << EOF # Config file for Debian's popularity-contest package. # # To change this file, remove it and use: # dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest # # You can also edit it by hand, if you so choose. # PARTICIPATE can be one of "yes" or "no". # If you don't want to participate in the contest, say "no" # and we won't send messages. # # If this option is missing, the default is "no". # PARTICIPATE=$PARTICIPATE # MAILTO specifies the address to e-mail statistics to each week. # MAILTO="$MAILTO" # MY_HOSTID is a secret number that the popularity-contest receiver # uses to keep track of your submissions. Whenever you send in a # new entry, it overwrites the last one that had the same HOSTID. # # This key was generated automatically so you should normally just # leave it alone. # MY_HOSTID="$MY_HOSTID" # MAILFROM is the forged sender email address you want to use in # email submitted to the popularity-contest. If this is commented # out, no From: or Sender: lines will be added to the outgoing mail, # and it will be your MTA's job to add them. This is usually what # you want. # # If your MTA is misconfigured or impossible to configure correctly, # and it always generates invalid From: and/or Sender: lines, you # can force different results by setting MAILFROM here. This can # cause problems with spam bouncers, so most people should leave it # commented out. # EOF if [ -z "$MAILFROM" ]; then echo '' >> popularity-contest.conf else echo "MAILFROM=$MAILFROM" >> popularity-contest.conf fi << CompileScript:<< << ConfFiles: %p/etc/%n.conf InstallScript:<< mkdir -p %i/sbin mkdir -p %i/etc mkdir -p %i/share/man/man8 mkdir -p %i/etc/cron.weekly mkdir -p %i/share/%n/scripts /usr/bin/install %n %i/sbin /usr/bin/install %n.conf %i/etc /usr/bin/install debian/%n.8 %i/share/man/man8 /usr/bin/install debian/cron.weekly %i/etc/cron.weekly/%n /usr/bin/install %i/share/%n/scripts /usr/bin/install %i/share/%n/scripts /usr/bin/install %i/share/%n/scripts << DocFiles: README* debian/changelog debian/copyright DescDetail: << You can have your system anonymously e-mail the Fink developers with statistics about your most used Fink packages. . The site is: . If you choose to participate, the automatic submission script will run once every week automatically. . You can always change your mind after making this decision: "fink remove popularity-contest" . (NOTE: e-mail servers add their own tracing information and your data won't be completely anonymous while in transit.) << DescUsage: << For this package to work, you MUST activate an MTA. Options: 1. "fink install postfix-release" and follow the instructions in "fink info postfix-release" OR 2. Activate Darwin's built in sendmail. can explain how to do this. << Homepage: