Package: uudeview Version: 0.5.18 Revision: 3 Source: Source-MD5: f852ab1a77e946dc7522df06b0c59e35 Depends: tcltk-shlibs BuildDepends: tcltk-dev SetCPPFLAGS: -no-cpp-precomp SetCXXFLAGS: -Os InstallScript: make install prefix=%i MANDIR=%i/share/man GCC: 3.1 DocFiles: COPYING HISTORY IAFA-PACKAGE README Description: Powerful UU decoder DescDetail: << helps you transmit and receive binary files over the Internet, using electronic mail or newsgroups The UUDeview package includes both an encoder and a decoder. The decoder automatically detects the type of encoding used, offering MIME's Base64 and BinHex as well as the popular uuencoding and the less frequently used xxencoding methods. Recently, support for the popular yEnc encoding was also added. The encoder runs the other way around and encodes a binary file for sending it by mail or news. . To clear up the most common misunderstandings right away, you do not need UUDeview when downloading files from the World Wide Web, but only when using E-Mail and/or Usenet newsgroups. UUDeview does not offer file compression or encryption << License: GPL Maintainer: Thomas Kotzian Homepage: