Package: vttest Version: 1.7 Revision: 2 Homepage: License: BSD Source: Source-MD5: 024efe00f1167cccc4f51786eb0029aa SourceDirectory: %n-20030301 UpdateConfigGuess: True SetCFLAGS: -prebind -O3 ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man DocFiles: BUGS CHANGES COPYING MANIFEST README Description: VT100/VT220/XTerm test utility DescDetail: << This is a program to test the compatibility (or to demonstrate the non-compatibility) of so-called "VT100-compatible" terminals. In conformance of the good old hacker traditions, the only documentation of this program is the source code itself. To understand it, you also need a copy of the original VT100 manual from DEC. Additional tests (past version 1.7) are provided for analysis of vt220, vt420 terminals, as well as variants of xterm. << DescPackaging: Workaround for mandir ignores destdir! Maintainer: Carsten Klapp DescPort: Use -prebind as this program links only against Apple-supplied dylibs.