Package: wcalc Version: 1.6.2 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Kyle Wheeler Source: mirror:sourceforge:w-calc/Wcalc-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 227b1222483520316063925970aa0565 DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING COPYRIGHT INSTALL NEWS ReadMe.rtf wcalc.rc ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man/ Depends: readline-shlibs BuildDepends: readline Description: Command-line calculator DescDetail: << Wcalc is a very capable command-line calculator (also has a Cocoa GUI version). It has standard functions (sin, asinh, and sqrt for example, in either radians or degrees), many pre-defined constants (pi, e, c, G, etc.), support for using variables, "active" variables, a command history, hex/octal/binary input and output, unit conversions, embedded comments, and the ability to save history to a file and load it from a file. Wcalc evaluates expressions using the standard order of operations. Wcalc uses intuitive expressions. For example, Wcalc will evaluate 5sin4!-7*2(4%6)^2 to be -221.96631678. << License: GPL Homepage: