Package: webmin-nettools Version: 0.88.1 Revision: 1 Description: Webmin module 3rd-party: nettools License: GPL DescDetail: << This module utilizes the standard networking tools (ping, traceroute, nslookup, nmap, whois and dig) with most options and makes them available with the Webmin Look&Feel. it also gives an Interface to Whois (needs the XWhois-Perl-module!) and it features an IP Subnet Calculator. It calculates netmasks and gives you the smallest available netmask for a given number of hosts. I hope you enjoy them and send me reports via email. << DescUsage: << If you install the optional net-xwhois-pm, the webmin server must be restarted before it will recognize any new perl module: sudo webminstop; sudo webminstart << Depends: webmin (>= 1.030-1) Recommends: net-xwhois-pm Suggests: nmap-nox | nmap Enhances: webmin (>= 1.030-1), nmap-nox | nmap Maintainer: Carsten Klapp Homepage: Source: Source-MD5: 61b02ad38037d2cba4e55fa37dbcf2ad SourceDirectory: . CompileScript: << tar -zxf nettools-%v.wbm.gz rm -f nettools-%v.wbm.gz << InstallScript: << %p/lib/webmin1.0/fink-newmodule-prepinstall echo "Moving files to installation directory..." mkdir -p %i/lib/webmin1.0 mv nettools %i/lib/webmin1.0 echo "Installing Docs..." mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n ln %i/lib/webmin1.0/nettools/CHANGES %i/share/doc/%n ln %i/lib/webmin1.0/nettools/COPYING %i/share/doc/%n ln %i/lib/webmin1.0/nettools/help/*.html %i/share/doc/%n << PostInstScript: %p/lib/webmin1.0/fink-newmodule-postinstall