Package: enlightenment Version: 0.16.5 Revision: 9 Depends: imlib-shlibs (>= 1.9.14-2), esound-shlibs, fnlib-shlibs, fnlib-fonts, libghttp-shlibs, freetype-shlibs | freetype-hinting-shlibs, dlcompat, libpng3-shlibs, libjpeg-shlibs, libtiff-shlibs BuildDepends: imlib (>= 1.9.14-2), fnlib, audiofile, glib, gtk+, libjpeg, libpng3, libtiff, netpbm, freetype | freetype-hinting, giflib, libghttp, esound, dlcompat-dev, gettext-dev, gettext-bin Source: mirror:sourceforge:enlightenment/%n-%v.tar.gz Patch: %f.patch ConfigureParams: --enable-upgrade=no --enable-fsstd=yes --mandir=%p/share/man --bindir=%p/bin SetLIBS: -lintl InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d localedir=%p/share/locale chmod -R go-w,go+rX %i/share/%n << DocFiles: README COPYING AUTHORS FAQ # Description: Themeable, featureful window manager DescPort: << Uses autoconf. Needs patches for some unguarded LC_MESSAGES usage. Needs help to put message catalogs in the right directory. bindir is specified so that it gets encoded correctly into the enlightenment.install script. The configure script detects that it needs libintl, but doesn't add the appropriate library flag. We set LIBS to work around this. << DescPackaging: << Some theme files have inappropriate permissions. The ownership should probably be fixed too, but it doesn't hurt enough yet. :-) << DescUsage: << If you want to use Enlightenment as a stand-alone desktop environment (i.e. without GNOME), you can run 'enlightenment.install' to create appropriate X11 startup files (.xsession / .xinitrc). To use Enlightenment with GNOME, leave .xinitrc alone and instead select it in the Window Manager panel of the GNOME Control Center. << License: BSD Homepage: Maintainer: None Source-MD5: 3902b7c9cfaa8f70ca8079b348de0ed5