Package: libiconv Version: 1.17 Revision: 1 Description: Character set conversion library License: LGPL Maintainer: Fink Core Group Depends: base-files BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.30.0), gperf (>= 3.1-1) << Essential: yes CustomMirror: << Primary: Secondary: << Source: mirror:custom:libiconv-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: d718cd5a59438be666d1575855be72c3 Source2: mirror:sourceforge:fink/gettext-0.22.5.tar.gz #Source2: mirror:gnu:gettext/gettext-0.22.5.tar.gz Source2-MD5: 1245c87cfa0b123f55540681af396880 PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: b4e5dfc26337f538e35c645128d5e30b NoSetLDFLAGS: true NoSetCPPFLAGS: true CompileScript: << #! /bin/sh -ex ### Build our local gettext-runtime. ### If gettext gets updated, make sure these ./configure parameters ### match the new package parameters (except build static only here). ### Not necessary, but will avoid unforeseen consequences. cd %b/../gettext-0.22.5/gettext-runtime EMACS=no CPPFLAGS="-I%b/../_inst%p/include" LDFLAGS="-L%b/../_inst%p/lib" am_cv_func_iconv=no ./configure \ --prefix=%p \ --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' \ --mandir='%p/share/man' \ --with-included-gettext \ --disable-csharp \ --disable-rpath \ --disable-libasprintf \ --disable-shared \ --disable-java \ --disable-native-java \ --with-included-glib \ --with-included-libcroco \ --with-included-libxml \ --with-included-libunistring \ --without-git \ --without-cvs \ ac_cv_prog_AWK=/usr/bin/awk \ ac_cv_path_GREP=/usr/bin/grep \ ac_cv_path_SED=/usr/bin/sed make rm -rf %b/../_inst make install DESTDIR=%b/../_inst ### now build iconv cd %b/../libiconv-%v make -f Makefile.devel am_cv_func_iconv="yes" am_cv_proto_iconv="" export am_cv_func_iconv am_cv_proto_iconv CPPFLAGS="-I%b/../_inst%p/include" LDFLAGS="-L%b/../_inst%p/lib" ./configure --prefix=%p --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --enable-extra-encodings find . -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e 's|\@LIBINTL_STATIC\@|%b/../_inst%p/lib/libintl.a -Wl,-framework,CoreFoundation|g' make << InfoTest: << TestScript: make check || exit 2 << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/man %i/share/doc/%n make install prefix=%i docdir=%i/share/doc/%n perl -pi -e "s,^dependency_libs=.*,dependency_libs=' -L%p/lib'," %i/lib/ %i/lib/ rm -rf %i/doc rm -f %i/lib/charset.alias << DocFiles: README* AUTHORS COPYING.LIB DESIGN NEWS NOTES THANKS Shlibs: << %p/lib/libcharset.1.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 1.7-7) %p/lib/libiconv.2.dylib 9.0.0 %n (>= 1.15-1) << # PostInstScript: << if [ -L %p/etc/alternatives/charset.alias ]; then update-alternatives --remove charset.alias %p/lib/charset.alias.libiconv fi << # SplitOff: << Package: libiconv-bin Essential: true Depends: libiconv (= %v-%r) Replaces: libiconv (<= 1.7-6) Files: bin share/doc/libiconv/*.html share/man Description: Executables for libiconv package DocFiles: README* AUTHORS COPYING.LIB DESIGN NEWS NOTES THANKS << SplitOff2: << Package: libiconv-dev Depends: libiconv (= %v-%r) Replaces: libiconv (<= 1.7-6) BuildDependsOnly: true Files: include lib/libcharset.dylib lib/libiconv.dylib lib/*.a lib/*.la Description: Developer files for libiconv package DocFiles: README* AUTHORS COPYING.LIB DESIGN NEWS NOTES THANKS << DescDetail: << GNU libiconv provides an iconv() implemententation for systems that lack it, or whose implementation cannot convert from/to Unicode. << DescPackaging: << Shared libraries are in libiconv for backward compatibility, to avoid breaking dpkg during an update. In order to guarantee that the gettext header files are present when libiconv is built, we now compile gettext during the building of this package. (Previously, the complicated interaction between gettext and libiconv was handled during fink's bootstrap process, but not afterwards.) Previous versions by Christoph Pfisterer. << DescPort: << charset.alias is deleted because it is empty on Darwin anyway and causes unnecessary conflicts between packages. We patch around a recent change in the upstream Makefile which defeats our build system. 2007-02-01 Benjamin Reed * updated to 1.11 * included apple's patches to add UTF-8-MAC charset support 2010-06-10 Daniel Macks * Make sure build doesn't see already-installed libiconv-dev. But apple's isn't always compatible. Just omit iconv when building gettext commands (only used locally while building libiconv) that would link aginst libiconv. 2013-08-22 Hanspeter Niederstrasser * Update to 1.14 * Bump included gperf to latest 3.0.4 * Bump internal gettext to latest * On 10.7+, modernize compiler wrapper * Don't build genaliases headers for systems that we will not even use. Build is -jN safe afterwards. 2017-08-23 Jack Howarth With format string strictness, High Sierra also enforces that %n isn't used in dynamic format strings, but we should just disable its use on darwin in general. (libiconv-gettext.patch) PatchFile updated to solve build failure: In file included from ./iconv.c:71: In file included from ./converters.h:125: ./utf8mac.h:161:8: error: hexadecimal floating constant requires an exponent 0x1.15, 0xA344, 0x1E15, 0xA346, 0x1E16, 0xA348, 0x1E17, 0xA34A, Patching solution for exponent described at why-does-hexadecimal-floating-point-need-to-have-a-specified-exponent 2023-01-08 Daniel Macks Patching iconv.1.html as well as iconv.1 so we don't need to run groff for .1 -> .1.html regeneration. Apple seems to be dropping /usr/bin/groff and fink's groff is heavy and gives circular dep. Externalize gperf 2024-07-22 Derek Homeier * Update to 1.17 * Patch utf8mac.h to fix incompatible pointer errors on macOS 15 / Xcode 16. * Bump internal gettext to latest 0.22.5 << Homepage: