Package: autoconf2.13-legacy Version: 2.13 Revision: 104 Depends: m4 Source: mirror:gnu:autoconf/autoconf-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(f0611136bee505811e9ca11ca7ac188ef5323a8e2ef19cffd3edb3cf08fd791e) PatchFile: %n_xquartz.patch PatchFile-MD5: 682ae080d07c35efc8cf7be00c258a15 ConfigureParams: --prefix=%p/lib/autoconf2.13 CompileScript: << AWK=/usr/bin/awk PERL=/usr/bin/perl ./configure %c make << InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i/lib/autoconf2.13 infodir=%i/share/info rm -rf %i/share/info << DocFiles: README COPYING AUTHORS NEWS # Description: System for generating configure scripts DescDetail: << GNU Autoconf is a package for generating configure scripts. These scripts are present in a large number of free software packages and are used to detect system features at compilation time. This package installs Autoconf 2.13. There are newer versions available, but there are some compatibility problems and some packages require version 2.13. To get one of the new versions, install the autoconf package instead. Patch to have X11 path-check check for X itself (not subpackage that might be somewhere else). See: Patch to support OS X shared-library extension. See: Patch to support xquartz X11 location. See: Giving precedence to older-standard locations because that's what we have always expected/supported--retain behavior on existing platforms. We just now also support the new-standard location if no old one. << DescUsage: << This package buries its programs and data-files in %p/lib/autoconf2.13 to avoid colliding with the more modern autoconf packages. << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Chris Zubrzycki <>