Package: boost-jam
Version: 3.1.16
Revision: 1
Source:  mirror:sourceforge:boost/boost-jam-%v.tgz
Source-Checksum: SHA256(e681f9ba5d622e0c98c249d3847359a12292a7bcc5769f6e1a35e930f7306f25)
License: BSD
BuildDepends: fink ( >= 0.25-1 )
CompileScript: sh ./
InstallScript: <<
 #!/bin/sh -ev
 case %m in
   powerpc) machine=ppc;;
   i386) machine=x86;;
   x86_64) machine=x86_64;;
  mkdir %i/bin
 cp bin.macosx$machine/* %i/bin 
DocFiles: LICENSE_1_0.txt index.html jam
Description: Extension of Perforce Jam make replacement
DescDetail: <<
Boost.Jam (BJam) is a build tool based on FTJam, which in turn is 
based on Perforce Jam. It contains significant improvements made to 
facilitate its use in the Boost Build System, but should be backward 
compatible with Perforce Jam.
DescPackaging: <<
	Earlier versions by:
		Mark Treiber
		Martin Costabel <>
DescPort: BuildDepend on fink-0.25 for directory in DocFiles
Maintainer: None <>