Info3: << Package: doxygen-doc # Don't forget to keep doxygen synced at the same version. Version: 1.9.8 Revision: 1 Source: SourceDirectory: doxygen-%v Source-Checksum: SHA256(05e3d228e8384b5f3af9c8fd6246d22804acb731a3a24ce285c8986ed7e14f62) BuildDepends: << bison (>= 2.7), cmake, doxygen (>= %v), fink-buildenv-modules, flex (>= 2.5.37), ghostscript (>= 10.02.0-1) | ghostscript-nox (>= 10.02.0-1), graphviz, libiconv-dev, tetex3-base << PatchFile: doxygen.patch PatchFile-MD5: 4a5fc35ee6530b4b5b06fceae64f165f CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev . %p/sbin/ # the binary needs to be in tree during the doc build install -m 0755 -d finkbuild/bin ln -s %p/bin/doxygen ./finkbuild/bin/doxygen # These 2 are needed to avoid "no rule to make target ..." ln -s %p/bin/doxygen ./doc/doxygen ln -s %p/bin/doxygen ./examples/doxygen export PATH=%b/finkbuild/bin:$PATH if [ -x /usr/bin/python ]; then export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python else export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 fi pushd finkbuild cmake $FINK_CMAKE_ARGS \ -DBISON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=%p/bin/bison \ -DDOT:FILEPATH=%p/bin/dot \ -DFLEX_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=%p/bin/flex \ -DICONV_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=%p/include \ -DICONV_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=%p/lib/libiconv.dylib \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=${PYTHON} \ -Dbuild_doc=ON \ -DDOC_INSTALL_DIR:STRING=share/doc/doxygen \ -Ddoxygen_BINARY_DIR=%b/finkbuild \ -LAH .. make -w -j1 docs popd << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev pushd finkbuild/doc make install DESTDIR=%d popd # doxygen.1 already exists in the main doxygen package rm %i/share/man/man1/doxygen.1 << DocFiles: LANGUAGE.HOWTO LICENSE VERSION Description: Doxygen documentation DescDetail: << This package contains the documentation for the Doxygen software. It was split up to reduce the build dependencies of the main doxygen package. << License: GPL Maintainer: None <> Homepage: <<