Info3: << Package: doxygen # Don't forget to keep doxygen-doc synced at the same version. # upgrading will require patching a few packages. See: # Version: 1.9.8 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.src.tar.gz SourceDirectory: %n-%v Source-Checksum: SHA256(05e3d228e8384b5f3af9c8fd6246d22804acb731a3a24ce285c8986ed7e14f62) Depends: << libiconv << BuildDepends: << bison (>= 2.7), cmake, fink-buildenv-modules, fink-package-precedence, flex (>= 2.5.37), libiconv-dev << PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 4a5fc35ee6530b4b5b06fceae64f165f GCC: 4.0 CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev if [ -x /usr/bin/python ]; then export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python else export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 fi . %p/sbin/ mkdir finkbuild pushd finkbuild cmake $FINK_CMAKE_ARGS \ -DBISON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=%p/bin/bison \ -DDOT:FILEPATH=%p/bin/dot \ -DFLEX_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=%p/bin/flex \ -DICONV_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=%p/include \ -DICONV_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=%p/lib/libiconv.dylib \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=${PYTHON} \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-MD \ -Dbuild_doc=OFF \ -LAH .. make -w popd fink-package-precedence --depfile-ext='\.d' . << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev pushd finkbuild make install DESTDIR=%d MAN1DIR=share/man/man1 popd install -d -m 755 %i/share/man/man1 install -m 644 doc/doxygen.1 %i/share/man/man1 << DocFiles: LANGUAGE.HOWTO LICENSE VERSION Description: Documentation system for C++, Java, IDL and C DescDetail: << Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, Java, IDL and C 1. It can generate an on-line documentation browser (in HTML) and/or an off-line reference manual (in ) from a set of documented source files. There is also support for generating output in RTF (MS-Word), PostScript, hyperlinked PDF, compressed HTML, and Unix man pages. The documentation is extracted directly from the sources, which makes it much easier to keep the documentation consistent with the source code. 2. Doxygen can be configured to extract the code structure from undocumented source files. This can be very useful to quickly find your way in large source distributions. The relations between the various elements are be visualized by means of include dependency graphs, inheritance diagrams, and collaboration diagrams, which are all generated automatically. Docs are now built and installed by the package doxygen-doc << License: GPL DescPort: << * Bumped to 1.9.8 by Hanspeter to deal with texlive-2021 and ghostscript-10 in docs. * Main build needs bison >= 2.7 (system is 2.3) and flex >= 2.5.37. * Bumped to 1.8.14 by Hanspeter to deal with newer macOS (13+). * Bumped to by Hanspeter for 10.9-libcxx tree. * Bumped by Matthias Neeracher <>, upgraded for 10.7 tree. * Modified by Michele Garoche <> << DescPackaging: << * doxygen.1 normally installed as part of docs, but we want it in the main package. << Maintainer: None <> Homepage: <<