Package: flag-sort Version: 0.5.1 Revision: 1 BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1) Source: none PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: d397ff6d55ba1a3ad94c2cddd636c2f7 PatchScript: sed 's,@PREFIX@,%p,' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1 CompileScript: # InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin install -m755 flag-sort %i/bin << DescUsage: << flag-sort [-r] [-v] CMD ARG1 ARG2 ... The command CMD is launched with ARG1 ARG2 ... as arguments. The arguments are re-ordered to put compiler search-path flags (-I and -L) in an order appropriate for fink. The paths are sorted in the following order: anything un-recognized local/relative (full paths that are local aren't noticed here) fink %p/opt (self-contained rooted packages) fink %p x11 (and /opt/X11 before /usr/X11 before /usr/X11R6) system $SDK/usr (and SDK before Command Line Tools SDK) system (/usr) /usr/local Within each category, order is maintained as given. In addition, lib/ is placed before include/ in each category so that arch-dependent comes before generic and "PREFIX/lib/PACKAGE/{include,lib} hidden packages override standard ones. (%p/opt does not distinguish between lib/ and include/ because the rooted packages need not put those in any well-defined place) The -r flag causes flag-sort to print relative paths before absolute paths. Order is preserved within each class of path. For example, the following command: flag-sort -r echo -L/absolute -Lrelative -L../relative \ -I/absolute -I../relative -Irelative ...would result in: -I../relative -Irelative -I/absolute \ -Lrelative -L../relative -L/absolute The -v flag causes flag-sort to print the command that will be launched and all the flags in order on STDOUT. << Description: Wrapper that sorts compiler flags #Homepage: License: GPL Maintainer: Daniel Macks <>