# -*- coding: ascii; tab-width: 4 -*- Package: gcutils Version: 0.2.3 Revision: 1 Description: Scripts to keep git repo synced with cvs DescDetail: << gc-utils is a small set of shell scripts that manages a git repository that was imported from cvs. The scripts makes it easy for the user to keep their git repository up-to-date as well as commiting changes back into cvs. << License: BSD Homepage: http://gcutils.sourceforge.net/ Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <daniel@daniel-johnson.org> Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-v%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(5e1089e419d9d8241d5813da37e3492182cd54c89bc75183f7135b7e2e9f5871) SourceDirectory: gc-utils Depends: git, git-cvsimport CompileScript: make prefix=%p InstallScript: make install prefix=%p DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: ChangeLog LICENSE README UPDATE-NOTES