Package: gir2pascal
Version: 6570
Revision: 1
Description: Gobject-introspection Pascal Codegenerator
BuildDepends: fpc
License: GPL

# Unpack Phase:
Source: mirror:sourceforge:fink/%n-r%v.tar.bz2
Source-Checksum: SHA256(ee5c79e29588815cfb49229bd6fd9717b5f697541083ee2162fda0ae800d7de3)

# Compile Phase (NOTE: there is no configure):
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
  fpc gir2pascal.lpr
# create license file from text in source code
  head -n 17 gir2pascal.lpr | tail -n 15 > LICENSE

# Install Phase:
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
  mkdir %i/bin
  install -m 755 gir2pascal %i/bin/


DescDetail: <<
Gir2pascal is a program to convert gobject-introspection (*.gir) xml files
into Pascal files which can be compiled (hopefully) without modification. 
For more details, see the homepage.

DescUsage: <<
Usage: gir2pascal [options] -i filename
 -h --help                    Show this help message.
 -i --input                   .gir filename to convert.
 -o --output-directory        Directory to write the resulting .pas files to. 
                              If not specified then the current working 
                              directory is used.
 -D --dynamic                 Use unit dynlibs and link at runtime
 -N --no-wrappers             Do not create wrappers for objects.
 -w --overwrite-files         If the output .pas file(s) already exists then 
                              overwrite them.
 -n --no-default              /usr/share/gir-1.0 is not added as a search 
                              location for needed .gir files.
 -p --paths                   List of paths seperated by ":" to search for 
                              needed .gir files.
 -d --deprecated              Include fields and methods marked as deprecated.
 -t --test                    Creates a test program per unit to verify struct 
 -P --unit-prefix             Set a prefix to be added to each unitname.
 -M --max-version             Do not include symbols introduced after 
                              <max-version>. Can be used multiple times. i.e 
                              "-M gtk-3.12 -M glib-2.23"
 -k --keep-deprecated-version Include deprecated symbols that are >= to 
                              $version. Uses the same format as --max-version.
                              Has no effect if --deprecated is defined.

DescPort: <<
tar ball created from renamed unpacked zip archive from svn repository.
Command: tar -cj -f gir2pascal-r6570.tar.bz2 gir2pascal-r6570

Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler <>