Package: jam 
Version: 2.5
Revision: 2
Source-Checksum: SHA256(f016a6b6bd2e068b66e539c907a75eff49f14a35f7f8b8db0717e805c467417c)
CompileScript: make 
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
 case %m in
   powerpc) machine=ppc;;
   i386) machine=x86;;
mkdir -p %i/bin
cp bin.macosx$machine/jam %i/bin
cp bin.macosx$machine/mkjambase %i/bin
DocFiles: README Jam.html Jambase.html Jamfile.html RELNOTES Porting
Description: Just Another Make build tool
DescDetail: <<
Jam is a software build tool that makes building simple things simple
and building complicated things manageable.  Jam is a very good solution
in the following situations:
*  Conventional C/C++ compile-and-link builds.
*  Building from the same sources, according to the same dependencies,
on a variety of platforms.
*  Distributing self-contained build steps onto multiple processors.

The version of jam included with Mac OS X has been heavily modified for
use with Project Builder. This is the standard UNIX distribution.
Maintainer: None <>
License: GPL