Package: lazarus-doc Version: 2.0.12 Revision: 1 Enhances: lazarus-aqua, lazarus-cocoa, lazarus-gtk2, lazarus-qt4, lazarus-qt5 Recommends: xchm License: GPL/LGPL Source: mirror:sourceforge:lazarus/Lazarus%%20Documentation/Lazarus%%20%v/ Source-MD5: 4347c866420616b0a06a813abfcfc960 SourceDirectory: lazarus-docs-chm CompileScript: echo "Nothing to compile." InstallScript: << install -d -m 755 %i/share/doc/lazarus-doc-%v mv * %i/share/doc/lazarus-doc-%v << Description: Lazarus and FreePascal library documentation DescDetail: << Documentation of the Lazarus component library (lcl), the FreePascal component library (fcl) and the FreePascal runtime library (rtl) as chm files. Use a chm file reader like Chmox or xchm. << DescUsage: Files are in %p/share/doc/lazarus-docs-%v Homepage: Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler <>