Package: libjemalloc1
Version: 3.6.0
Revision: 1
Description: Alternate malloc implementation
DescDetail: <<
	jemalloc is a general purpose malloc(3) implementation that
	emphasizes fragmentation avoidance and scalable concurrency support.
	jemalloc first came into use as the FreeBSD libc allocator in 2005,
	and since then it has found its way into numerous applications that
	rely on its predictable behavior.
License: BSD
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <>

Source-Checksum: SHA256(e16c2159dd3c81ca2dc3b5c9ef0d43e1f2f45b04548f42db12e7c12d7bdf84fe)

Depends: %{N}-shlibs (= %v-%r)
BuildDependsOnly: true

ConfigureParams: --disable-valgrind

CompileScript: <<
	./configure %c
	make DSO_LDFLAGS='-shared -Wl,-dylib_install_name,$(LIBDIR)/$(LIBJEMALLOC).$(SOREV)'

InfoTest: TestScript: make check || exit 2

InstallScript: <<
	make install DESTDIR=%d
	mv %i/share/doc/jemalloc %i/share/doc/libjemalloc1

DocFiles: ChangeLog COPYING README

SplitOff: <<
	Package: %{N}-shlibs
	Files: lib/libjemalloc.1.dylib
	Shlibs: %p/lib/libjemalloc.1.dylib 0.0.0 %n (>= 3.6.0-1)
	DocFiles: ChangeLog COPYING README

SplitOff2: <<
	Package: jemalloc-bin
	DescUsage: <<
		Running " executable_name" will run executable_name
		using jemalloc instead of system malloc.
	Depends: %{N}-shlibs (>= %v-%r)
	Files: bin
	Docfiles: ChangeLog COPYING README