Package: makepatch Version: 2.05 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/J/JV/JV/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(202ca7385b6d6c3ea0b2b3e3f4991096df2b3b8dfe549c96064d9f6c515fea8d) Type: perl UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: CHANGES README Description: Perl scripts to make and apply patches DescDetail: << The makepatch package contains two programs, both written in Perl: 'makepatch' and 'applypatch'. 'makepatch' will generate a patch kit from two source trees. It traverses the source directory and runs a 'diff' on each pair of corresponding files, accumulating the output into a patch kit. It knows about the conventions for patch kits: if a file named patchlevel.h exists, it is handled first, so 'patch' can check the version of the source tree. Also, to deal with the non-perfect versions of 'patch' that are in use, it supplies 'Index:' and 'Prereq:' lines, so 'patch' can correctly locate the files to patch, and it relocates the patch to the current directory to avoid problems with creating new files. << License: Artistic/GPL Maintainer: None <> Homepage: