Package: msp430mcu Version: 0.1-20120406 Revision: 1 # some headers have been moved from msp430-libc to msp430mcu before Replaces: msp430-libc Source: mirror:sourceforge:mspgcc/msp430mcu/msp430mcu-20120406.tar.bz2 Source-Checksum: SHA256(0637014e8e509746c3f6df8e1d65b786770d162b3a0b86548bdf76ac3102c96e) PatchScript: << << CompileScript: echo "only data, no compilation needed" InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export MSP430MCU_ROOT=$(pwd) mkdir -p %i/lib/msp430/bin scripts/ %i/lib/msp430 mv %i/lib/msp430/bin %i/bin << DocFiles: README COPYING RELEASES.TXT DescPort: << I followed but failed to use version numbers in the Replaces/Breaks tags. dpkg wouldn't overwrite the files. It contains patches: * sf3379189 * sf3384550 * sf3400714 << HomePage: Description: Device capabilites data for MSP430 toolchain License: GPL Maintainer: None <> DescPackaging: << Previous maintainer: Matthias Ringwald <> <<